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$ Libra’s Hayden Davies denies the bribery of Javier Millie

Hayden Davis, co -founder of The Fallen Cryptocurrency $ Libra, has denied the bribery allegations of Argentine President Javier Millie. In a statement issued today, Davis rejected the claims that he had made any payments to the president, and invited the media reports “politician”.

Hydeen Davis denies bribery to promote $

The controversy took a dramatic turn after Davis’s text messages appeared on Twitter Chefro, which was reported to be the bribing of Kareena Miley, the president’s sister, to influence her brother’s decision. In the letters, Davis said: “I gave money to his sister, and he signed according to my desires and spent according to my requirements.”

Kareena Miley, who is the Secretary -General of the Argentine Presidential Palace, has not yet commented, and Davis himself has not explained more allegations. However, local media La Nación reported that Davis was in contact with the Milei team to manage the growing scandal. According to the report, Milli promised not to accuse Davis of any violations and plans to send a envoy to meet Davis later this week. In addition, the Milei team asked Davis to refrain from making more interviews.

$ LibR

$ Simply has become one of the most scandals that spoke in the encrypted currency industry. The currency lost more than 96 % of its peak value, and Blockchain analysis companies revealed that about 74,000 merchants lost $ 286 million in the accident.

In addition to the financial repercussions, the collapse led to the resignation of the co -founder of Meteora, Ben Chow, and caused fraud charges against Javier Miley. In response to the allegations that he promoted $ Libra, Miley defended his actions yesterday, claiming that he was just sharing information and spent in good faith. “I did not promote it, share it,” Millie stated. “I acted in good faith and took a blow.”

Also read: The carpet controversy continues the $

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