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Women’s tennis players get

Victoria Azzinka

Victoria Azzinka spends time with her son Liu during the women's environmental holes in 2024.

Victoria Azzinka spent some time with her son Liu, during a championship in 2024.

Foto Olimpik/Nurphoto via Getty Images

Victoria Azzinka is a prominent tennis figure for professional women, and she won the Open Australia in 2012 and 2013 in addition to the registration of two Olympic medals.

Azarca and her ex -boyfriend, Billy Machijai, welcomed a son named Liu in 2016. She announced her pregnancy with X function in July, saying that she was “really inspired by mathematics who return to the top of their sport after having children, and I plan to do so exactly.”

She returned to the court in 2017 and won the match of her first match, according to BBC. Two years later, the Belarusian athlete told the executive that she believed that pregnancy would end her career.

“I was afraid, it was not easy,” she said to The Outlet. “I knew that I would be back, but my first idea was,” Oh my God, I will not play tennis again. “

However, she said she felt “stronger” after birth.

She said: “I am sure that many women will not be able to associate with me, but I felt a great improvement after (pregnancy).” “I felt very stronger my body, and my body became much better. I felt my body finally matured to being a woman.”

Azarenka publicly pushed parents’ advantages to players at the Tennis Association. She and Serena Williams were among those who carried out a campaign to protect the ranks of players who go to maternity leave. The association updated its policies in 2019 on classification and maternity vacations.

She later called for maternity salaries for members of the Women’s Tennis Association in an interview 2024 with BBC Sports.

“There is a lot that must change, and I hope we will be on the right track to do this,” Azarca told the director. “I think the important part is to change the financial part of the maternity leave. I think this will be a big victory for women in general, so I hope we find the resources to be able to do so. I think this will be amazing.”

Azzinka said that players with less classifications can benefit from such a policy.

“I have more financial security than some of the players who may be outside the list of the best 100 and may have the same desires and aspirations to have a child and continue their work,” she said.

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