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Crypto News

Will the price of the PI network return above $ 2 amid a rush for PI fields?

The price of the PI network is under strong sale, as it decreased by 8 % to $ 1.45 today. However, the last tune about the launch of PI can change the PI course, leading to a return to the top of two dollars again.

The PI launches bids with PI currencies

In the latest development, the PI network announced the launch of the .Pi fields, allowing users to provide exclusive bids in the original cryptocurrency, i.e. the PI currency. The event has already started on PI on March 14, and it will continue until PI2, until June 28, 2025.

The auction represents an important step for the PI, as it creates a state of tools in the real world for the encrypted currency. According to the announcement:

“The Pi CryptoCurrency-Persons needs to use PI to provide bids and buy something that has a real meaning and goal.”

The organization has also announced that it will not accept any other digital assets except for PI currencies. All auction revenues in the PI ecological system will be reinforced, and the programs of developers, events and initiatives that enhance PI benefit.

A thick rush for the fields of Amazon, Samsung and Tesla Pi

Shortly after the advertisement within the PI’s ecosystem, the .Pi areas linked to the most important companies such as Tesla, Samsung and Amazon have been displayed on one wallet address. Total spending on these offers reaches 60,000 large metal coins (PI).

This activity highlights the increasing interest in the PI fields, as it presents the podium capabilities to create a competitive market focused on exclusive naming rights within the PI network.

The auction structure of the .Pi auction includes a dynamic time frame for providing individual field bids. While the general auction has a fixed end date, specific field auctions will be extended if new offers are placed within 24 hours of their scheduled conclusion.

Pi Coin Action

Before PI on March 14, traders have increased on the erosion of PI to nearly $ 1 billion for the market for Altcoin. According to Coinglass dataOpen attention has also decreased by 6 % in the past 24 hours.

The encryption market analysts hope that the PI price will rise from $ 1.45. On an immediate basis, the PI first needs to restore $ 1.56, which will open more gates to prepare to $ 2 and beyond.

Source: encryption therapist

It will be interesting to know if the market analysts turn to ascend here. Some market analysts also expect to rise in the rise in PI prices to 10 dollars from here on.


Bushan Akolkar

Bhushan is enthusiastic about technology with a severe understanding of the financial markets. His interest in economics and financing has focused on emerging technology and encrypted technology markets. He is committed to continuous learning and remains eager to share the knowledge he acquires. In his spare time, Booshan enjoys reading excitement novels and sometimes exploring his cooking skills.

Responsibility: Is market research before investing in encrypted currencies? The author or post does not bear any responsibility for your personal financial loss.

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