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Price Prediction

Will support 2 dollars stop a major crash?

The XRP concentration on low-cost rapid transactions has made the third largest encrypted currency in the world (except Stablecoins)-and one of the main beneficiaries in the late 2024 rally.

However, at least so far in 2025, the challenges of the dominant macroeconomic economy have proven. In particular, it rocked the cryptocurrency market by selling risk assets that occur due to the potential disturbances of the Trump administration tariff policies.

However, despite the recent challenges, XRP performance was better than most digital assets. At the time of the press, XRP changed hands at $ 2.33, after achieving 12.21 % on a year (YTD) after 5.13 % moved to the upward trend last week.

XRP price from year to date (YTD). Source: Finbold
XRP price from year to date (YTD). Source: Finbold

However, the price does not happen in a vacuum. The current price of the distinctive symbol is seriously approaching the main support level – and a famous technical analyst has set exactly what the collision could have without this level.

Less than $ 2 decrease can lead to XRP crash

XRP seems to be a striped head and shoulder style on the weekly graph, as shown by the technical analyst, the cryptocurrency on Martinez in A. March 17.

The head and shoulder style is a sign of reflection-which indicates that the prevailing upward trend so far approaches its end. This style consists of three peaks – the first and the last is almost equal and represent the “shoulders”, while the middle peak is the head. The “neckline” that consists of bottoms between the peaks works as a level of support.

In this particular case, this neckline is at a level of $ 2, or about 14.16 % lower than the current prices. With the head and shoulder pattern, a successful collapse leads to a decrease in prices to a point equal to the distance between the “neckline” and the top of the head.

If the pattern is legitimate, prices that are transported to less than two dollars may lead to a decrease in XRP, which will witness a decrease in prices to approximately $ 1.25, with a joint decrease of 46.35 % compared to current prices.

Finally, readers should realize that Martinez’s scheme dated March 16, 11:54 UTC – but his position at X came a day later. While the timing is definitely important in technical analysis, no major developments occurred between the history of the graph and the time of the publication.

The guarantee schedule may lead to a decrease in XRP prices despite the widespread adoption

On the other hand, as FinBold on March 15, XRP is witnessing a steady increase in the number of titles, which reached a record number of 7 million – which highlights an increasing rate of adoption and prevailing popularity.

Martinez also determined a more upward issue-if XRP is over $ 3, then its next main goal will be in the range of $ 4.80 to $ 5, followed by a potential gathering to the highest new level ever at $ 15. With what is said, readers should notice that approximately $ 465 million in XRP has been transferred from Holdings Holding, in a move that may pose great declining pressure on the price of the original.

Distinctive image via Shutterstock

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