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Crypto News

Nigeria is prosecuting Binance for $ 79.5 billion of losses, $ 2 billion tax

Nigeria filed a lawsuit against the exchange of cryptocurrencies, seeking 79.5 billion dollars for alleged economic losses and 2 billion dollars of unpaid taxes.

This case, which was submitted at the Federal Supreme Court in Abuja, accuses the tax evasion bank, violations of foreign currencies, and contribute to the instability of the local currency, Nalira.

Nigeria is prosecuting Binance for $ 79.5 billion of losses, $ 2 billion tax

According to court documents, the demands of the Federal Revenue Department in Nigeria in Nigeria failed to register for tax compliance while working in the country. The authorities argue that the exchange of it is a “large economic presence” in Nigeria and is responsible for the corporate income tax under the Corporate Income Tax Law and the Law of the Internal Federal Revenue Department.

First requires tax payments for 2022 and 2023, along with a 10 % penalty for unpaid amounts. In addition, the agency seeks to obtain a 26.75 % interest rate on late taxes, based on the lending rate in the central bank in Nigeria. The lawsuit also accuses the bank violation bank by facilitating tax evasion through its platform.

Deposits can be responsible for the financial losses associated with currency speculation and unauthorized transactions. The authorities claim that the platform enabled the illegal financial activities that worsened the low value of Naira.

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Kelvin Monin Murithi

Kelvin is a distinguished writer who has experience in encryption and financing, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Actura Sciences. It is famous for its careful analysis and insightful content.

Responsibility: Is market research before investing in encrypted currencies? The author or post does not bear any responsibility for your personal financial loss.

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