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Crypto News

Will Ethereum design penetrate byBit? Saddam experts

The BYBIT penetration of $ 1.5 billion last week led fierce discussions across the encryption community, with some industrial voices competing that Ethereum’s design may play a role. The theft of approximately 401,000 Ether (ETH) – which was organized by the North Korean Lazarus Group – has raised questions about whether the complexity of ETHEREUM makes its ecosystem uniquely vulnerable to advanced exploits, or if the blame falls elsewhere.

The penetration was said during a standard transportation from the cold bybit portfolio to a warm portfolio. According to the official statement of the Stock Exchange on X, the treatment was manipulated “through an advanced attack that hidden the signing interface”, which presented the correct address but changed the logic of the primary smart contract. This manipulation allowed the attackers to control the cold wallet and transfer money into a special address.

Some have suggested in the encryption space to retract Blockchain to restore stolen money, directing similarities to Dao Hack Rollback 2016. Supporters argue that this could restore confidence and deter future attacks on a large scale. However, the main developer Tim Pico quickly expelled the ideas as “technically impossible”, warning that tampering with the professor’s book can undermine the primary Blockchain promise to be influenced.

Does etherum blame?

Among those who express concerns about the role of Ethereum in exploitation is Alexander Leishman, the founder of River Financial and a former educational assistant to the CS251 category in Stanford. he Proposal ETHEREUM’s expansionist “surface of the attacker” may have facilitated the efforts of the attackers.

Notice Lesman via X: “The surface of the ETH attack is a huge. Things are frightening. I would like to see someone who breaks exactly what happened here […] My BYBIT penetration reminds me when you are TA for the category of encrypted currency (CS251) in Stanford. The final exam had a question asking students to find 8 errors in intent in the ETH contract. Students found 15. “

He also performed comparisons with a simple UTXO model of Bitcoin, explaining that when signing Bitcoin treatment, one is verified by the transition of the condition, which is usually evident on the device wallet screen. On the other hand, only ETH signatures cannot include money transfers but also orders to summon the logic of the complex smart contract.

He stated: “It has a relationship with ethereum at all […] In Ethereum, you register the movement of money and order to send a smart contract (which may lead to more money movement) – an error of error. Ethical transactions do not represent the transmission of the condition, as it represents the matter that leads to the transmission of the condition. “

Not everyone agrees that the original Ethereum design is worth checking. Toogrul Maharamov, a Fluent researcher, insisted that the exploitation “has nothing to do with Ethereum or EVM”, indicating that it was a purely penetration of the basic system and that the focus on Blockchain himself distracts his attention from more relevant security lapses.

Meanwhile, Anthony Sassano, a teacher and independent founder of ETH NOM refuteThis indicates that the penetration of bybit “has nothing to do with the ETHEREUM smart contract.” He rejected any correlation between ETHEREUM’s structure and the stock exchange, which reflects the broader feelings put in real weaknesses in operational security practices and the BYBIT wallet management.

Leishman later made it clear that he did not demand the penetration of bybit from a direct defect in the ETHEREUM code itself. “Eth Podcaster is sensitive. Anywhere I said that the BYBIT was a result of the smart nodes insect.” I was sharing an amusing story about how the complexity of Ethereum leads to the difficulty of joining security issues. “

Instead, its basic argument revolves around the difficulty of verifying the ultimate effect of the treatment when Ethereum Smart Contracted. The BYBIT penetration was the result of the “smart” contract model for Ethereum, which makes it very difficult to check the transition of the situation. It is safer when the treatment is the transmission of the condition. “

At the time of the press, ETH was traded at $ 2,705.

Ethereum price
ETH price, graph for a week source: ethusdt on

Distinctive image created with Dall.e, Chart from

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