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What if you have invested $ 1,000 in Apple (AAPL) a year ago?

Each investor himself asked the same question at some point: “What if I had put my money a year ago?”

Perhaps one of the most searched stocks is Apple (AAPL). Apple is one of the most popular and widely popular stocks in the world. In fact, Warren Buffett himself said about Apple, “It may be the best work I know in the world.”

So, let’s dismantle the amount you can do exactly if you have invested $ 1,000 in Apple one year ago.

$ 1000 AAPL Investment a year ago

To find out how much it deserves $ 1,000 today, we need to consider the Apple share price exactly one year ago. As of February 2025, AAPL is [up/down] X.XX % on an annual basis, but its general direction is still anyone [growth/volatility/decline].

One year ago, Apple was trading at the X.XX price per share. For $ 1,000, you could buy X at this price. Quickly forward, Apple is currently trading at $ X.XX per share, which means that your initial investment will now deserve around $ X, XXX, representing x % over the past year.

Deeper diving in Apple stock revenue

Below is an additional collapse of how your investments amounting to $ 1,000 if you invested one year, three years, five years and 10 years:

Investment period Purchase date Purchase price Purchase stocks The value as of February 5, 2025 Total return Annual return
1 year February 5, 2024 154.50 dollars 6.47 $ 1,487.00 48.7 % 48.7 %
3 years February 5, 2022 162.67 dollars 6.15 $ 1,410.00 41.0 % 12.1 %
5 years February 5, 2020 $ 80.00 12.50 $ 2,873.63 187.4 % 23.5 %
10 years February 5, 2015 $ 25.00 40.00 9,198.00 dollars 819.8 % 25.5 %

Apple returns over the past ten years have emerged the importance of investing in the long term. Despite the temporary setbacks (such as 3 years decrease), patience has been rewarded historically in the Apple case.

Apple Stock Calculator

One day I thought about how much Apple could invest if you had bought shares when you were 18 years old? Or how might look your wallet if you have put the PS5 money in Apple shares instead?

Use the Fedeer Apple stock calculator to find out how much Apple shares deserve today based on the amount and extent of the date you choose.

Stock investment

Researcher’s choices to buy Apple

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Responsibility: This page is not a financial advice or support for digital assets, service providers or services. Digital assets are volatile and risky, and the previous performance is not a guarantee of future results. Possible regulations or policies can affect their availability and services provided. Talk to a financial professional before making a decision. The researcher or author may have an encrypted currency discussed on this page.

Is it too late to invest in Apple?

If you are wondering if the time is too late to invest in Apple, remember that the investment is not related to the time of the market – it’s time in the market. Although the previous performance does not guarantee future results, Apple is still a dominant force in technology, with increased revenue flows from devices, programs and services.

If you believe in a long -term Apple’s vision, there may still be opportunities in the future. However, it is always wise to conduct your research, consider your financial goals, and if necessary, consult a financial advisor before making investment decisions.

The bottom line

A $ 1,000 investment in Apple could have turned a year ago to XX, XXX today, which indicates possible rewards for the long term. But more importantly, it highlights the reason for the purchase of the shares and keeps them more than waiting for the perfect time to enter.

So, the next time you wondered, “What if you invest?” Remember that the best time to start investing was yesterday. The second best time? today.

Thank you for your notes!

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General Manager, our researcher

Zak Ali is the Director General of Finder Us, who is responsible for the main cooperation between the main stakeholders for the development of readers, revenue and awareness of the brand. Before Finder, Zak has postponed the start of community technology and news. Zak’s background also includes product management, growth marketing, social media, web and mobile applications. See the full CV

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