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What happens to the human body in space

  • Scientists learn what short and long space tasks do in human bodies.
  • Some common changes such as swollen face, bone loss, and lower sleep.
  • Below is nine ways that can change the harsh conditions of the human body.

Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore returned to Earth on Tuesday after spending nine months in space.

They were cut off on the international space station after Boeing’s spacecraft was broken and they were forced to wait for a SpaceX spacecraft to become available to bring them home.

Nine months in space is not a record of any means, but Williams and Wilmmore would like to see some changes on their bodies during a local time.

As with any astronaut, “there is muscle regeneration and cardiovascular disease that must happen,” said Steve Stic, in a briefing after the duo retreated in the Gulf of Mexico.

Much of what scientists learn about how the space affects the human body from NASA’s research on the survival of astronauts Twins: A research program included Scott Kelly, who lived in space for about a year, and his identical twin brother, Mark, who lived on Earth at the same time.

In fact, Stic said, “Every member of the crew we fly in orbit, we collect medical research data,” including blood withdrawal, bone density measuring and vision test several times throughout their space mission.

The effect of lack of gravity, high exposure to radiation, space -compatible diet, and other facts of life in orbit on Scott’s body in large and surprising ways. While William and Williams were not in space as long as Scott, they would have witnessed similar changes although they are not extremists.

Below is nine biological anomaly and the researchers may happen to your body if you live in space for a long time.

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