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Web3 Security Creacts The Industry more than $ 98 million in January 2025

SlowMist, Blockchain security company, revealed that web3 Security Creacts amounts to about $ 98.14 million in January. The hacked Slomist database revealed that 40 piracy attacks led to losses of $ 87.94 million. Only $ 1.47 million has been recovered.

According to the slow monthly security report, the main Causes For these accidents, the main special leaks include, dots of contracts, and other concessions in the account. Scam Snifer, a SCAM anti -scam platform, estimated that 9.22K encryption traditions were victims of hunting attacks that lead to losses of about $ 10.25 million in January. Ethereum Blockchain formed more than 84 % of the victims.

Slowmist is approximately $ 100 million of WEB3 safety violations

In January 2025, SlowMist estimated that more than $ 98 million was lost due to WEB3 security violations. The SlowMist database, which penetrated 40 accidents, was lost 87.94 million dollars, and only $ 1.47 million was recovered.

According to the database, Litecoin and Babylon Blockchains were at risk on January 12 and 4, respectively. PHEMEX and NOOONES exchanges were also hacked on January 23 and 1, which led to combined losses of $ 77.2 million.

On January 23, Crypto Exchange, which is based in Singapore, was a victim of the attack of a hot portfolio that led to a loss of $ 70 million. Misttack name and monitoring system analysis open Femex hot portfolio contains “abnormal transfers” on multiple groups, including Bitcoin, Tron, Ethereum (Mainnet, L2), Litecoin and XRP.

On January 1, the P2P trading platform also fell victim to the hot wallet attacks on BSC, Ethereum, Solana and TON. Hundreds of suspicious transactions led to losses of about $ 7.2 million. Ray Youssef, CEO of NOONE, explained that the exploitation of the Solana Bridge caused the accident.

“We know that Solana is hot, but Solana will not return until the comprehensive pen is tested … I apologize for the inconvenience.”

Ray Youssef

On January 24, Youssef agreed that retaining about $ 8 million of encryption assets in a hot portfolio was “non -smart”. In addition, he confirmed that one day liquidity was sufficient, and the rest can be stored in a cold governor. Youssef also mentioned that no one should do this from the beginning.

However, he indicated that no one was adapting quickly based on his experiences. Youssef also said that he always covered any losses. He gave examples of Celcius and the issue of closed boxes to comply with his previous company.

Other companies that have lost large money due to security incidents include in January, AdSpower, Moby and Orange Finance.

SCAM SNIFFer ETAREUM is determined as the most likely Blockchain at risk

Select Sniffer Scam The Ethereum Blockchain as more exploited The ecosystem with regard to the losses of security breach. Ethereum Blockchain has formed more than $ 8.6 million from $ 10.25 million lost in fraud.

According to Scam Snifer, ETHEREUM lost at least $ 1.3 million on January 3 and January 8. The data also showed that more money was lost on BNB (710 thousand dollars), the definition (510 thousand dollars), a judd (191 thousand dollars), and optimism (81 thousand dollars). Avalanche and Blast jointly lost more than $ 26,000.

Scam Snifer data confirmed that there are 9220 victims, as ETHEREUM users represent 13 out of 15 victims. The first four victims with the highest losses on Ethereum have jointly lost more than two million dollars. One victim on BNB lost ~ 317 thousand dollars, and two victims lost more than $ 380,000. According to their data, the lowest amount was lost by any of the top 15 victims as a result of security violations of $ 70,000.

In January, the X accounts that belong to The Times, the Tor Project, the actor Dean Norris, and former Brazilian President Jair Messias Bolsonaro Penetrate. Nasdak, co -founder and CTO at Layerzero Labs Ryan Zarick, and Proesight Ventures have been hacked and their Twitter/X accounts were hacked and used to enhance fraud codes.

Cryptopolitan Academy: Are web3 errors to appeal? – Discover here

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