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US President Donald Trump cancels the signing ceremony with Ukraine

A meeting between the President of the United States (the United States) was held by Donald Trump and Ukrainian leader Folodimir Zellinski to an argument on Friday. According to President Zelenskyy, the conditions of the deal are either mysterious or very missing, but it is otherwise a good first step.

President Donald Trump, who was working to understand that the deal had ended and that President Zelinski was simply visiting to put the finishing touches on the deal, was not angry during the general meeting, accusing the Ukrainian president of “not respected.”

Ukrainian President Foludmir Zelinski chose to reject the “rare land deal” of US President Donald Trump with Ukraine, which led to the occurrence of Harish from President Trump and Vice President JD Vans at the White House on Friday.

Although President Zelinski admitted that the defense agreement against mysterious terms surrounds the arrival of rare minerals within Ukraine, the deal on the table was eventually bad in the word and clearly did not determine how the United States will guarantee the borders of Ukraine and achieve the end of Russia’s invasion.

President Trump responded with an explosion, and his planned signing ceremony was canceled with President Zelinski, with a White House official announced that President Trump was “felt not respecting Zellinski’s speech and behavior”, but he was quick to add that the Ukrainian footnote was still welcome to re -sign them in the country.

With a better and organized defense already well on the table of the European Union in exchange for industrial access to rare Ukrainian land sources, Ukraine is unlikely to give in to the demands of the United States.

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