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Uber currency pricing fee: How to avoid them while traveling abroad

  • Uber will soon impose 1.5 % fees on favorite currencies in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Europe.
  • Favorite currency pricing applies to discount payments or credit cards, not gift cards or Uber money.
  • Users can avoid fees by disabled the setting in the application account and wallet sections.

If you live in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, or Europe, Uber rides abroad It is about to become more expensive.

Point man I mentioned On February 14, Uber will choose users residing in these areas automatically in the preferred currency pricing on February 27. This setting is paid 1.5 % transfer fees to pay the user used currency instead of the local currency for their destination.

Favorite currency pricing Available only when paying using debit or credit cards – not gift cards or Uber Cash.

The setting may be useful to save money abroad if you have a credit card that charges additional fees for foreign transactions, but if your card does not have these fees, you will pay more with this setting.

How to avoid foreign transactions fees on Uber

To avoid fees by 1.5 %, you can turn off the prices of the favorite currency in the settings and instead you choose to pay in the local currency. First, open the application and click on “account”. From there, click “Wallet” and move down the previous payment methods to “favorite currency”.

Vehicle image screenshots for Uber settings in the dark mode

Screen footage shows how to turn off the preferred currency setting.

Joy Haden/business from the inside

Next, click “Set the Favorite Currency” and select “No Favorite currency” of options. Finally, hit “confirmation” at the bottom of the options.

You can also change to “no favorite currency” on any trip before reserving it at the departure stage. Happy ride!

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