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Türkiye tightens encryption regulations with new rules for stock exchanges and investors

Türkiye is providing cryptocurrency regulations with new rules for codes service providers (CASPS).

On March 13, Capital Markets Council (CMB) from Türkiye Published An organizational document related to the licensing and operations of the superior, including the exchange of encryption, the maintenance of the portfolio and the portfolio of the portfolio.

the range CMB gives full supervision of encryption platforms, ensuring compliance with national and international standards.

It also defines the standards and requirements for establishing and providing encryption assets services in Türkiye, such as capital, the history of executives, shareholders and others.

More strict requirements for installation

Under this framework, the winners will be asked to invest in compliance infrastructure and may face adjustment challenges with the new organizational environment. CASPS will also have to adhere to strict reporting requirements, providing cmb for accurate and accurate information about its operations.

According to the document, the new encryption regulations in Türkiye are in line with global standards and follow the regulatory methods set by European markets in organizing encrypted assets (MICA) and the US Securities and Stock Exchange Committee.

The regulations also target the most striking trading requirements for Turkish investors, provide Stablecoin and treat the decentralized financing market (Defi) in Türkiye.

This is a developing story, and more information will be added when available.

magazine: How encryption laws change all over the world in 2025