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Crypto News

Trump’s encryption summit is disappointed, and he responded to a violent reaction

Donald Trump’s long -awaited White House encryption is disappointed. Her promises were disappointing, and society was less than its value. Bitcoin price decreased slightly instead of an expected jump.

Many CEOs of encoding, Trump, praised the president’s attempts to reduce federal organizers and suggested that the industry was “governed” without its intervention. However, this frustration has not wandered in the comprehensive division yet.

The top of the encryption in Trump fails

Donald Trump announced the first encryption summit in the White House last week, and the community expected an opportunity for new positive regulations.

The specific policy ideas and the possible guest list were discussed hot, and the anticipation bubble helped fuel the pump in the distinctive symbol prices. Today, the last long -awaited summit It happened.

“Welcome to the top of the first digital assets of the White House. I know that many of you were fighting for years for this, and I was honored to be here with you. Last year, I promised to make America the capital of Bitcoin in the world … and we are taking historical measures to provide this promise.”

However, the most difficult expectations of Trump and the coding summit fell quickly. He addressed the plans of the encryption reserves in a brief detail Proposal It can help FIFA launch a symbol, and delayed His timetable for friendly regulations to become a law.

Mostly, Crypto executive officials as a savior of the industry, which sparked a violent reaction:

That summit was the most embarrassing things that I had ever seen. This is really what we have reached? Do everyone worship Trump? Meanwhile, he has no idea what he reads, he wanders around what David Sachs wrote. We used to be CypherPunks, we used to be hostile to the government, and now we are [just] You want the price to rise, “NFT Trader Clemente Claim.

Excessive respect causes a reaction

Specifically, the TV code top lasted only a little more than 20 minutes, most of which did not include Trump himself speaking.

Many close allies, such as Coinbase Brian Armstrong, have praised the president’s attempts to reduce SEC and other organizers. They suggested that Trump saved the industry from excessive enforcement during the reign of Gary Ginsner.

This postponed position towards Trump, the short period of the summit, and the lack of great promises created a general negative impression.

By noting that the industry is “governed” without Trump’s help, these executives ignore the power, flexibility, and innovative spirit. Is it surprising that the price of bitcoin decreased after that?

Bitcoin price scheme
Bitcoin (BTC) Daily Price Plan. Source: beincrypto

Participants at the Trump encrypted summit praised his attempts to completely stir financial organizers, which already raises unprecedented disturbances within the federal government.

Many participants in the summit like Cameron Winklevoss, frankly, want to take this agenda further.

“The top of encryption is a stigma. It is a national embarrassment. The encryption faction that captured the White House is exactly what our founding fathers have warned us. This will be a scourge on any heritage that leaves Trump and represents a low point for the presidency and the United States of America.” books Peter Chef, Financial commentator and coding.

In the end, this coding peak will not seem to show a real break between Trump and society overnight. People are not satisfied and correct, but some may benefit yet.

For example, ARMSTRONG is already Declare This Coinbase will employ 1,000 other employees. It may take real economic losses for this surrounding frustration.

However, in general, the summit remained very disappointing. No significant positive development signal for the industry is provided outside the American market.


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