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Trump releases both Democratic Commissioners at FTC

A White House official confirmed that President Donald Trump rejected Democratic Commissioners from the Federal Trade Committee (FTC) on Tuesday. Commissioners Alvaro Pedoya and Rebecca Kelly Silter moved to social media to condemn their removal as illegal and said they would charge the administration to prevent decision -making.

The shootings caused a defeat between Democratic lawmakers and anti -monopoly advocates, who argue that this step is an attempt to strip the FTC for independence and remove obstacles suffering from a “base for the Republicans”.

FTC Commissioners say that the shooting is unjustified

Shortly after him removalBedoya was published on X: “I am a delegate of the Federal Trade Committee. The president illegally launched me. Now, the president wants FTC to be a phrase

She issued a written statement that collides with her work as a violation of the legal law and the precedent of the Supreme Court.

Why? Because I have a sound. He is afraid of what I will tell the American peopleShe wrote: “The government has warned that the decision proves FTC’s ability to protect consumers and hold companies accountable.

The Federal Trade Committee, which was established in 1914, is an agency of the two parties made of five commissioners responsible for enforcing consumer protection laws and combating monopoly. Under the law, the committee cannot have more than three members of the same political party.

The agency has provided control over many fighting fights in recent years, especially in light of the Biden administration, which has followed issues such as a ban Microsoft-Activision Blizzard Merger He finally passed in October 2023.

Senator Amy Klopochar, a democratic in Minnesota and an audio advocacy to repair anti -monopoly, told Reuters that the commissioners were taken away from their sites would benefit monopoly at the expense of consumers.

“Overcoming the committee illegally will enable fraudsters and monopolies, and consumers will pay the priceShe said.

The Trump administration defends its decision

In a statement late on Tuesday, the administration said that the president has an “unrestricted” authority to reject the FTC Commissioners, which was called a necessary step to ensure democratic accountability.

The Chairman of the Federal Trade Committee, Andrew Ferguson, a Republican who was appointed to the committee by Biden, and later to the Trump president, supported the White House decision. “I have no doubts about the president’s constitutional authority to remove the commissioners,Ferguson He saidAdding that the agency will continue its mission to protect consumers and ensure competitive markets.

However, the timing of the separation is to raise the eyebrows around the organizational strategy of the administration. Trump had previously removed members of other independent agencies, including the National Council for Labor Relations, and now faces a train Legal battles Challenge the extent of its presidential authority.

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More lawsuits on the horizon?

With the removal of Democratic Commissioners, FTC now has only two sitting members: Chairman Andrew Ferguson and Republican Commissioner Melissa Hollyuk. Trump’s third Republican seat candidate, Mark Medor, has not yet confirmed the Senate.

The agency is still technically capable of bringing or rejecting cases with only two, but there are continuous investigations and battles from the courts that can be disabled.

FTC is in a legal confrontation with the three largest managers in favor of Pharmacy in America (PBMS). the suit He accuses them of raising insulin prices by securing huge discounts from drug manufacturers.

Ferguson and Hulk have already retreated from the case, leaving a paid and slaughtering the massacre while commissioners pressed the implementation. Removing it leaves the agency now without a quorum to move forward.

Democrats, including Klobuchar, indicated that they will reconsider their previous support for Meador’s nomination. “I do not understand why, when they shoot people, we will support their commissions againKlopochar told Reuters.

At a phone conference with correspondents yesterday, Bedouia discussion The continuous FTC said against the major pharmaceutical technology and pharmaceutical companies, saying that the Trump administration opens doors for companies to be more corrupt.

Who are you trying to try to remove us?He asked.Whoever helps is billionaires. And I think it opens the door to corruption

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