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Trump enhances Tether, Circle by connecting stable currencies to dollars

(Bloomberg) – President Donald Trump has placed the stable cryptocurrencies at the forefront of efforts to maintain the global superiority of the dollar, and to align the interests of the US government strongly with exporters’ interests such as Tether Holdings Ltd. And Circle Internet Financial Ltd.

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On Thursday, Trump signed an executive order to protect the dollar, “including procedures to enhance the development and growth of legal and legitimate currencies supported by dollars worldwide.” Meanwhile, any other work was prevented from the central bank’s digital currency, which has banned a tool seen as a potential competitor.

Paying the stable currencies – cryptocurrencies designed to be less volatile than symbolic currencies such as bitcoin and therefore more suitable for payments and transfers – in the battle to maintain the dollar as a global backup currency in the face of resisting geopolitical competitors such as China and Russia.

He also plays a role in the arguments made by the CEO of Tether, Paulo Erdino, and his Circle counterpart, Jeremy Alere, publicly while they are seeking to enhance the use of their stable currencies.

Campbell Harvey, a professor of finance at Duke University, said that the issues such as Circle and Tether are among the “big winners” of Trump’s executive order.

Stable currencies are not without their critics. The sudden collapse of a currency called Terrausd in 2022 sparked controversy about how it affects financial stability and caused a short rush by Tether holders to recover their coins. In the previous year, Tether agreed to pay $ 41 million to settle the allegations of the commodity futures trading committee that it had lied about its reserves.

There are also concerns about how to use distinctive symbols and those who make them. A report published by TRM LABS in March said that the USDT currency was the most used currency for criminal activity such as terrorist financing in 2023. The Wall Street Journal reported in October that the federal prosecutors in Manhattan were investigating Tuhar on possible violations of sanctions and funding. Money laundering rules.

Tether said she is not aware of this such investigation, and that she is working with law enforcement agencies to ensure that its distinctive symbol is not used for illegal purposes.

“We hope that the new regulations will provide clarity, which is intense to companies, institutions and financial technology companies that are looking to enter the field of digital assets,” Tuhar said in a statement on Friday.

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