The waves carry the family every morning – one day the father makes a shocking discovery!
Luca, heart racing, tracks down the huge black bear, knowing this may be his last adventure.
Just moments ago, a bear appeared outside his window. He waved, an unprecedented behavior for a bear, suggesting an urgent message. This was not a one-time event. For three consecutive days, the bear was waving frantically. Luca, sensing the cue, decided to follow him.
When venturing into the forest, Luca is driven by a combination of fear and determination. Despite the risks, he resolved to follow the bear, driven by the belief that he was trying to communicate something essential. And Luca will soon find out what…
Luca was sure – he had read the bear’s intentions correctly, as if its silent language was now his own. He has always been a strong believer in the compass of his intuition, the guide that never led him astray. However, the destination the bear was leading him towards was beyond the reach of his wild speculation…