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The US states are leading the strategic Bitcoin reserves – will Trump submit a BTC promise?

At least 16 states of Bitcoin legislation with digital assets reserves, it provided President Trump at the national level.

Nearly a third of the United States is ventured in financial limits that are once fully imagined: creating a strategic bitcoin reserve.

While US President Donald Trump’s vision of the National Digital Assets store is still sophisticated, the American states are not waiting for it. Inspired by the success of other countries such as El Salvador and the unprecedented head of support that Trump’s president has shown to this industry, they are moving forward with their bold initiatives.

Sixteen American states are studying as part of its investment strategies, with legislation to allow the allocation of public funds for such digital assets in discussion already. In states such as Arizona and Utah, where the draft law has already passed the committee, voting in the room extends the right of their alley – which spoils the idea of ​​bitcoin reserves closer to becoming a reality and not just a remote imagination.

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