The “running point” of Netflix is broadcast amid the Pepperdine University suit
- Peppperdine University has filed a brand against Netflix and Warner Bros. Entertainment.
- Peppperdine said that companies have used their IP address in a new TV series entitled “Running Point”.
- The judge denied the university’s request to obtain a temporary restriction order against companies.
New Mindy Caling Sports Comedy with Netflix and Warner Bros. Entertainment Make waves at Pepperdine University.
“Running Point” is a new TV series of 10 episodes that follows Ila Gordon (Kate Hudson), a woman who becomes a head of professional basketball concession called The Los Angeles Waves. Caling, Hashon and Los Angeles Lakers Jenny Boss works as executive producers. Netflix was first shown for the series on Thursday.
Mindy Caling, Jenny Boss, and Kate Hudson attended the first show “Running Point” in February.
Michael Pocner/Various via Getty Images
However, only one week before it appeared for the first time when Peppperdine filed a lawsuit against entertainment companies. On February 20, the university submitted a legal complaint accusing companies violating brands, reducing brands, and wrong ads. The university also asked the California judge to approve a temporary restriction order against them.
The university said: “When the defendants and promoted the trailer to” Point “on January 30, 2025, Pepperdine (and others) have immediately stunned the amazing bonds in the brand between Los Angeles’s fictional waves and real Peppperdine in Los Angeles.” “The uses are very many and very close to being synchronous.”
I told Moish E. Peltz, a partner in Falcon, Rappaptort, Berkman LLP, Business Insider that “it is definitely surprising that Warner Brothers and Netflix goes to the market with a very similar sports team.”
Professor Pittsi Rosenblatt of the Law Faculty of Kis Western Reserve University said that “the decision seems more dangerous than any other decisions they could have taken.”
Netflix referred to an opposition file when calling the comment.
Confusion between consumers?
Kate Hudson plays the role of Isla Gordon in “Running Point”, a sports comedy flowing on Netflix.
With the permission of Netflix 2025
In the complaint, the university said that the emotional basketball team logo, its brand and colors are “amazingly similar” to Pepperdine’s distinctive sport. Pepperdine also said that “Point Point” promoted the number of a specific player – 37 – wearing the school’s amulet and is linked to the institutional year.
The university’s press statement said, “The lawsuit separates how” the runway “of the” waves “team will lead to the confusion of the consumer and suggests a lie between Bieberdeen and the offer.” “The university has also expressed its deep concerns about some of the series’s topics, which include explicit content, the use of materials, nudity, and profanity – elements that are inconsistent with the Christian values of Peppperdine.”
Bilz said that the brands law aims to prevent consumer confusion, which is the focus of calling for a brand’s violation of the University of Bieberdein.
The University of Bieberdein said that the fictional basketball concession appears “similar” to its real brand.
With the permission of Netflix 2025
“Will consumers be confused about whether care, affiliation or approval has been granted?” Piez said. “This will depend on how to determine the target market and these consumers.”
Bilz said the site It can be seen when determining the potential confusion of consumers.
“People watching Netflix on the eastern coast or around the world may not have any idea,” he said. “People who watched in the southern California market may be scratching their heads like,” waited, I thought the waves were a university team. Why are they a professional team in this thing? What is happening here? “
Although the violation of the brands is the first reason for taking a complaint, Rosenblat said it may not be the strongest claim to the University of Biberben.
Bieberdein University said that “running point” could cause confusion among consumers.
Compliment from Bieberdene University
Rosenblatt said: “It may not be a strong confusion violation because perhaps consumers will not think that Peppperdine is involved in this offer. They only think,” Is it not strange that this fictional team has the same name and some Peppperdine indicators? “
Reducing brands, however, can carry more weight.
In the complaint, Peppperdine said, “The incorrect use of the confirmed brands of Netflix and Warner Bros.
“In particular, because the Netflix offer contains content that contradicts the conservative values of Peppperdine and religious philosophy, it may harm the imprint Peppperdine in this way,” said Rosenblatt.
Bilz said that the trademark demand requires proof of fame, which would study whether the brands of the University of Biberine are known and be mitigated through the “running point”.
Judge Trou denied the university
If granted, the temporary restriction order against Netflix and Warner Bros. Entertainment will prevent them from certain procedures, including “Running Point” episodes unless they are released for the first time to exclude signals to the imaginary Waves team and university marks.
On Monday note, Netflix argued against the temporary restriction matter, saying that the use of waves is not “explicitly misleading” and “artistic connection”, among other arguments.
The judge denied the request of Bieberdein after two days.
The amulet at Bieberdene University during the NCAA game in 2009.
Sports Wire icon/Corbis/ICON SPORTSWIRE via Getty Images
“The first amendment, on a large scale, allows people to use brands for other people in expressive ways,” said Rosenblatt.
In response, the university’s first vice president, Sean Burnett, said the case against Netflix and Warner Bros. Entertainment will continue its normal course. “
“We do not believe that Netflix and Warner Bros can be allowed to take the brands and colors we used for approximately 90 years to select Peppperdine to determine the team that is under their series,” Bornet said in a press statement. “While we are disappointed about today’s ruling, we believe that the university will eventually prevail and prevent unauthorized use of the intellectual property of Peppperdine in a way that distorts our institution.”
Warner Bros. Representatives did not respond. Entertainment, Mindy Kaling, Kate Hudson and Jeanie Buss, to request a comment from Business Insider.