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CZ Binance says he has not sold any encryption

Changpeng Zhao, former CEO of the BEMOTH Binance Current Exchange, Explained He did not sell any encryption during the devastating accident that occurred earlier on Tuesday.

Earlier today, the leading cryptocurrency fell to $ 86,141, reaching the lowest level since November. However, she has since managed her tremendous losses, which was currently trading at $ 94,519. However, Bitcoin is 19.2 % away from the restoration of its highest level ever at 108,786 dollars, which means that it is close to the Bear Market area.

As U.Today, CZ, who is still a very influential voice in the encryption community, stressed despite being forced to leave his executive function in late 2023, that he was also not interested in buying new cryptocurrencies (including delightful memes).

The CZ Currency Currency Portfolio consists mainly of the BNB code. Bitcoin accounts only for a small part of his property.

Zhao also called for a tweet from 2020, which accurately predicted the headlines of the future newspapers from 2025 around Bitcoin to $ 85,000 from $ 101,000.

Former Binance CEO expects that Bitcoin will eventually be disrupted by one million dollars.

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