The price of Cardano rises by 2 %, as traders flow to this MIM index

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The price of Cardano 2 % increased in the past 24 hours for trade at $ 0.7582 from 3.30 in the morning EST on the trading volume, which decreased by 40 % to 768.64 million dollars.
The price of ADA fluctuated strongly over the past 24 hours, reaching $ 0.74 to $ 0.77, then decreased to $ 0.73, and recovering to $ 0.7582, where it is now. Of course, compared to price movement on February 2 and 3, most of its last movements are only simple fluctuations.
Initially, Cardano was apparently following the progress of Bitcoin, but while BTC slowly recovered about $ 100,000, ADA has been trading sideways over the past few days.
Cardano prediction
Kardano’s price was the next A pattern in the last two days, first sees a slight growth, then falls and stays flat for a few hours, just to repeat this style. Bollinger will stress during the periods that the price remained fixed, only to see a slight breadth to increase prices, and to expand greater when the price decreased again.
The past 24 hours have seen a very slight increase by 2 %, and for the largest part, the price fluctuated between the upper range and the middle line between the two strips. However, the currency can see its pattern repeated once it reaches $ 0.77.
Ada/USDT 15 minutes graph (Source: TradingView)
As for the ADA (RSI) relative index, it has also followed a pattern of hitting the sale area, and then slowly rises to the neutral value of 50 sales sectors.
This indicates that the currency will slowly attract buyers, who hesitate to join at the beginning, but over time, they eventually pump the scale towards the peak area. Once he arrives there, traders will get profit and cause prices to correct, just to repeat the entire process.
In other words, there is optimism that surrounds Cardano, but merchants also hesitate because of the uncertainty that surrounds the encryption space at the present time, causing them to approach ADA plans with caution.
A promising alternative to Cardano
With Cardano currently surrounded by uncertainty, investors turn into alternatives such as Meme Index (Memex) – a project that has created a new safer way to invest in Meme currencies.
The Meme Index launched many indexes – baskets of Meme currencies – each of which comes with a different level of risk/bonus. The least dangerous is Titan, which only contains the largest Mimi currencies depending on the maximum market. Next, you have moonshot, which is also somewhat safe, which has Mel coins sitting under the largest.
MIDCAP is the person in which the risks really begin to grow, as it will focus on the Meme currencies with a maximum of the market ranging from $ 50 million and 250 million dollars. The danger of this index comes from the fact that the basket encryption can explode or fade slowly. However, the most dangerous indicator is the fourth, known as frenzy. This indicator will retain new experimental business currencies, which can explode or fully flounder, causing enormous gains or total losses for investors.
However, if you join Memex ICO and buy original symbols, you can join the process of governance and help identify the symbols on which each index will focus on. Also, you will need Memex to invest in these indexes, so their purchase now, while still in ICO and selling at a low price may be the best step.
Memex ICO has already raised more than $ 3.39 million and sold a distinctive code for $ 0.0159077. Experts like Crypto Youtuber Claybro, who has more than 136,000 subscribers, believe that Memex can explode after launch. In a recent video, he said that Memex has the capabilities of 10x, which causes it to be considered.
Buy Memex codes here before the next ICO price increases in 20 hours.
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