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The next generation of ZKVMS


  • With PICO, developers create a special proof of proof structures that correspond to the proofs with specialized languages ​​or dedicated proof systems.

Vivis Pico V1.0, which is a zinc virtual device (ZKVM) designed for the standardized and validated computing. PICO is the first ZKVM that allows developers to customize the initial fields, proof systems, proof of work flows, integration of the joint processor at the application level, access historical data on the series, allowing applications full control of how to create and improve zero knowledge guides.

Unlike the traditional ZKVM approach that suits everyone, Pico creates ZKVMS in a normative way, a customizable design that achieves the fastest performance in the world on the CPU with a performance from 84 % to 155 % of the next best solution, with GPU accelerating in the future future updates to Pico. This gives protocols on the chain and DAPPS ZKVM that allows optimal efficiency, expression and confidence.

The “GLUE-APERCESSOR” normative “GLUE-and COPERCESSOR” PICVM with high-performance specialized circuits, providing flexible fields, systems and functioning. Unlike the traditional ZKVMS that depends on a low -level Prepomps, PICO offers applications for the application designed to meet the various application needs. Developers can integrate custom circles as processors or embodiment, using integrated options or custom applications. This design enhances 35X performance to process historical Blockchain data, which greatly reduces the time of generating proof.

With PICO, developers create a special proof of the field that correspond Custom proof systems. For the first time, ZKVM supports customizable proof and initial fields without symbol modifications. This flexibility enhances the encryption of zero knowledge, improving speed, the size of the proof, and efficiency.

“PICO is a shift in how ZKVMS design and publish it,” said Michael Dong, co -founder of Brevis. “By bringing the normative ZKVM known as the application with integrated ZKCOPROCations processors, we improve performance and create an unprecedented level of customization in a check -up account for Web3.”

PICO also Proverchain institutes, a workflow that proves customization. This customized sequence generates evidence of the validity of the statement, allowing developers to generate proof of speed, memory, or size, and setting proof steps to improve cost and expansion, and overcome unnecessary proof pressure in the script scenario outside the chain.

Supports PICO RISC-V, which is the structure of an open source instructions with units design and rust, systems programming language emphasizes safety and performance, allowing developers to create ZK applications using familiar development settings. Web3 and DAPPS protocols have already launched Bravis features on Mainnet, including Quentaand Usualand Algebra Laboratoryand Jojo ExchangAnd TrustaWith many others, such as Piesand Cylinderand Fraxand Gammaand Quickswapand Maskand nucleusand thenand Kim Protocoland 0gand rockand Funding, financing, Zettablockand HemiraAnd Mindy FinancialBuilding products and features of the next generation of Brevis.

About Brevis
Brevis is an effective effective account engine that brings unlimited account to current smart contract groups. Take advantage of zero knowledge guides, Brevis cancels the data of intensive data for data, costly from the chain to the series to a significantly low -cost engine, and enables Web3 applications to expand smoothly while maintaining the security assumptions of L1.

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