The “Monkey”, “Internal Works” explained
- “The Monkey” revolves around the Monkey cursed game that causes someone’s death whenever you play.
- The film is based on director Osjoud Perkins on the story of Stephen King of the same name.
- It is significantly different from the original story, with much larger and more chaotic.
If you read the 1980’s Stephen King’s story “The Monkey” and go to the new Osgood Perkins “The Monkey” expects the same thing, I have some bad news for you.
In fact, the ridiculous horror comedy in Perkins takes very little from the original King’s work, beyond the names of the leading characters, and depicts the curse of Monkey in the lives of two adult brothers to cause chaos again after decades of throwing them into a dry well well .
The delicate relationship is logical: The film maker, who also wrote and directed horror in 2024 “Longlegs”, said that he read the story several times before entering to write his text and then he did not refer to it again.
Instead, Perkins made his story, adding multiple objective layers to tell a story about paternity and the shock of generations.
This spirit was placed from the first moments of the movie, when our hero Hull says in the audio comment: “I don’t know whether every father passes some secret terror of his children, but I did.”
Here is what is happening in “The Monkey”, including how it ends, how it differs from the original story, and what this pale knight represents.
“The Monkey” is the final destination, “the proverb is part of paternity
Young Hull faces a cursed monkey.
“The Monkey” is full of scenes of Gori death (and increasingly strange), where every time the monkey ends and strikes its drum, another person dies.
Fishing, in the traditions of the short story and the film, is that the person who finishes the monkey cannot be a victim. But this person cannot also control the monkey and direct it to those who are killed. It is completely random – “like life”, where he reads the inscription on the monkey box when Hull and Bill Shilborn (both play here “White Lotus” Thyu James star) find it.
The monkey once belongs to the absent twins’ father (Adam Scott in a very short veil), a pilot who brought him to the house from his trips before getting rid of his family forever. In a short time, we see the monkey killing the store owner, their father strongly tried to return the game to Bill and Hull, and their mother, Louis (Tatiana Malani).
He was secretly responsible for the death of their mother, after he finished the monkey as soon as he had a feeling of his strength in an attempt to make him kill Bill, who was bullying at school.
The first third of the film focuses on Bill and shocks and early shocks, including the death of their uncle’s chip (Perkins himself plays) in wild pregnancy defeats on a camping journey after he and his aunt Edda made a nursery from the orphan children. The death of Cheeb finally demands the brotherhood to drop the monkey into a dry well to escape from it – a maneuver that appears to be working, at least until the point where the film is picked up after 25 years.
Theo James plays double roles like Hull and Bell adults in “The Monkey”.
Nowadays, Hala adults work in a grocery store and has nothing to do with Bell. Hull also has no relationship with his son, my home, and chose to stay away from the teenager, and see him only once a year, in order to avoid him with the same kind of shocks he suffered.
In a timely manner to visit Hal and Petey annual, Bill Hal is invited to inform him that the IDA died in a strange accident (includes fire, bucket, and mailbox), which means that the monkey has finally returned. Hal Road-Roaps to Eda’s house with my ignorant Betty, Bell persuades him to find the monkey to make sure that he does not fall into the wrong hands. All the time, the monkey continues to kill; A real estate broker tells Ida Hull’s house that another local in the city has died every day since Ida’s death in a variety of ridiculous morals, including an accident in the grass grief and a cobra attack on a golf course. (The real estate broker is immediately killed by a rifle explosion after one of them fell from the treasury in the house of Eda.)
Hull soon discovers that the current monkey therapist is nothing but Bill, who knew secretly that Hull was responsible for the death of their mother and drawn years to find the monkey again and use it to take revenge on his brother. The film then moves to Bill’s point of view, and dates back to the moment when the boys threw the monkey under the well. Bell began obtaining signs of the return of the monkey in 2016 – the year of the monkey – and used a local child named Ricky to find him.
Ricky found this in selling Eda’s Estate Sale after her death and brought him to Bill, who has over and over again to attract Hal. Bell’s goal is to get my home to continue operating the key until he kills the monkey Hull, so that my home is responsible for the death of Hull in the way that Hull was responsible for their mother.
“The monkey” ends (and the pale contestant), explained
Theo James is in the “Monkey”.
Stephen King’s original story with Hull and his young son, 9 -year -old, not a teenager, in the story), survived their mission to sink the cursed monkey in the lake. There is much lower blood (except for hundreds of dead fish that the aqueous monkey is called), and ends in a relatively happy note. The monkey was defeated! Get rid of it! Not many people have died!
The end of the film is similar in some respects – Hull and Beitti are still living – but it focuses more on the hostile dynamics between Hull and Bell. One of the main changes made by Perkins on the story was to make Hull and Bill Twins, not only the brothers as they were in the story, and also made Bill the evil one who would come after Hull for revenge.
In the movie, Ricky, who brought Bill the Monky, wears his deadly father’s uniform to take Hull and Betty at gunpoint to Billons Hiot, a deserted hotel with a more deadly “house”. Ricky, who became obsessed with the monkey because he reminds him of his absent father, forces my home to go to the hotel to find the monkey and return it to it.
Unfortunately for Riki, Bill Betty first finds and demands the end of the monkey, who kills Ricky (through a group of wasps in the throat). Then Hall enters the hotel and Bell becomes angry when he realizes the monkey again, he did not kill his brother. It tries to force the monkey on the drum without drawing the key, which makes the monkey sliding, and the slip of the drum in an irreplaceable way and a series of disasters is launched throughout the city – a plane with jumping with umbrellas that disrupt a nearby church, with umbrella jumping on the flat on the roof Bell’s hideout.
Inside the Bill Hotel, he is still, Hull and Betty, not authors. Finally, Hull and Bell canceled their differences and reconciled them – only to suddenly start the monkey again and set a series of reaction that ends with the bowling ball in the Louis cannon in the head of Bell, and crushed its skull.
With Mit Bell now, Hull and Beitti, who did not bother them and Beetti Town, leave their car, passing through all the dead or affected by the monkey. They are to keep the monkey with them, to ensure that the key does not run again by anyone: “We keep it soon. We accept that this is our and we carry.”
While they are waiting at the intersection, a ghost man passes a pale horse and gives them a gesture of knowledge. Birns assured Bi that the pale contestant is a representation of death and how death is depicted as the fourth and last of the four knights at the end of the world in the book of revelation of the Bible.
Perkins expected the studio and producers to back down from the inclusion of the light contestant, believing that the general public will not get such a literary reference. But instead, he was surprised.
“On the contrary, everyone was like, this is a strange thing that we should put in that people would get it or not get it,” Perkins said.
“In any case, it is optical and it is a kind of poetic and magic.” “I felt the time we got to this point in the movie, it is a kind of surrealism and very ridiculous, and I also press the button.”
The end of “The Monkey” is amazingly optimistic, as Hull suggests to Petey that they are dancing – something I loved his mother Luis to do with Bill and Hall when they were children. It is far from the most dark end for “Longlegs”, but Birkins knows exactly what the fans want to feel when the credits flow on “The Monkey”.
“I think it’s the same thing that everyone is supposed to feel when they move away from any horror movie, which is,” look at me, I am still alive! “
“Monkey” is now in theaters.