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The founder of Tiger 21 shares how wealthy people network

  • Michael and.
  • The network now includes approximately 1,600 members with a minimum of $ 20 million.
  • Sonnefeldt said their largest anxiety is how not to not prepare their children.

This article, which has been implemented, depends on a written conversation with Michael and. 69 -year -old Sonfield, founder of TIGER 21, is an organic organization for high -value individuals. The following has been released for length and clarity.

I made somewhat in life by time when I was 31 years old.

It has achieved great success in the real estate development world by developing the Harboorside Financial Center – my partner and bought an industrial warehouse when I was 25 years old, with a vision to turn it into a modern computer center, and sell it after a few years.

My next project was not successful, and I lost money. Then I continued the construction of a real estate merchant bank called Emmes, which I sold in 1998.

When I sold Minburside, I did not know the term “maintaining wealth”. At the age of 30, I was focusing more on your next deal than maintaining wealth, but losing money on my next project was an invitation to wake up to me, and I wanted to avoid losing the capital that I created after selling Emmes.

In 1999, TIGER 21, an organization for individuals with high networks for communication and discussing their financial resources and their lives. I wanted to learn from other smart people about how to struggle while maintaining wealth.

Inside the organization, the superior members can participate and receive comments on their investment portfolios in secret, as well as discuss how their children are not prepared. I produced some great learning.

Tiger 21 started to support entrepreneurs who sold companies

Although I am the founder and chairman of Tiger 21, the first league is “Member No. 1.”

The group started with six people who communicated with them through Vistage, a training organization for executives. These people, like me, have sold their work at a similar time and the senior executives have no longer.

I called these members to form a new group that focuses on the transition from entrepreneurship to investment and conservation of wealth.

The group was born of realizing that once your business is sold, you need a new set of knowledge about the following stages of your life. Not only is funding, but also a legacy, children, health, and society.

Our members are primarily from the creators of the first generation, such as executives or entrepreneurs who sold a company. They did not grow up with this wealth, so its administration is new to them.

Some members inherited a wealth and they have managed. The mixture of creators and heirs on creative wealth helps get an insight into how their children interact with their wealth, and inheritance can communicate with the spirit of entrepreneurship to their ancestors who created that wealth.

Members participate in the issues they face and talk about their investment portfolios

In 1999, the original threshold was a member of Tiger 21 at least $ 10 million of investment assets. Now, our society is for members who have a minimum net value of $ 20 million. We have approximately 1,600 members.

The clear value is just one factor in the strict application process. We are looking for individuals who meet the “Five CS” of membership: personality, contribution, ability, conditions, and capital.

TIGER 21 membership cost is approximately $ 33,000 per year, as well as a starting fee of $ 5,000.

At the heart of the community experience is a monthly meeting for a full day in small groups. We start with the expression of a global update or “Personal Board”. Everyone participates in the group how the news has affected the past thirty days on their views on investment and life.

After that, the groups will discuss some of the main issues that members have mentioned that they are struggling, such as the family issue or investment consideration.

We tend to have a speaker at every meeting that participates in a topic, such as biological diversity or China. Finally, there is a portfolio defense. One of the group members will provide their investment portfolio to others for an hour and a half. Everyone is obligated to confidentiality.

Members also discuss paternity and motherhood and pass the wealth to children

If you are planning to leave money for your children, you must think about the effect of real estate tax, but there are also non -financial problems on how you deal with every child. Do you treat them evenly, how can you develop a real estate plan?

These problems are talked about in each group, but we also created the family office section to address this. It is the main leaders of the one family offices-private companies established by families for financial management-who meet separately from our basic groups to discuss topics such as real estate planning, family governance and caliphate planning. It costs $ 50,000 annually with a starting fee of $ 5,000 once to be part of this section.

Throughout Tiger, the number 1 may not be how to keep wealth, but how to move your children. I would like to say that part of each meeting always affects a position that happens with the children of a member and how to address it in a productive way.

I was in a group of the family office recently, where two members participated in parental approaches. One of the members talked about making their children leave or perform strange functions and tell them that they should pay the price of their first car because they want their children to appreciate the meaning of labor and wealth. A member of his family participated, “a charter”, determining the values ​​of the family.

We discuss best practices along the way.

It does not matter how much money you have, if you do something smart, then its fruits. And if you do something stupid, it will kill you at the back.

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