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Crypto Predictions 2023 – Blockchain Center

Crypto Predictions 2023 – Blockchain Center

These are 4. Since 2020, 2021 and 2022, all of these years will come during the year that society will experience one prediction for the year 2023. The start of World War I KONSENS & NONSENS Volg prediction With Janpaul (actionslave) from Nodesignal Podcast, Rene and Micha von Blocktrainer, Joko von Shift Crypto and Krypto Zahnarzt “Nicholas Schneider” among them. K&N Telegram group.

As we begin to predict the following:

Roman (Blocktrainer) by Markus Lanz


ETH withdrawals will be made on 1. By 2023, after BTC Maxis will be withdrawn, but it is not easy to withdraw it can be withdrawn through a single queue, where a “scam” is displayed.


Romanian darf sich nicht die Haare schneiden

Jean Paul

This Grayscale ETF, Grayscale’s share and other funds (Nicolas has a share and share of the GBTC Discount on its account)


There is a bug in the Ethereum network of 24-hour brains


There is an issue with encryption and app stores (Apple, Google, bzw Chrome Extensions). Irgendwas wird gebannt oder so


The square box was activated during the year of Lightning on PoS Terminals


Blox Hardware Wallet (Joko) fails, Ledger Stax Hardware Wallet (Holger) fails

Lightning throws more time into the rising community


In 2023 we will be waiting for a major disruption in Lightning

Jean Paul

Satoshi rose gecancel wallet


Microstrategy sells some Bitcoins and Michael Saylor sells a wide range of Bildfläche (and other rums)


Related M. Saylor Orangepillen will pad its balance sheet with Bitcoin


There are big minds buying ETH and holding it


Minds in European soil are talking about trading/stopping Bitcoin


Ethereum was created by the Securities and Exchange Commission as a security instrument


Gary Gensler (SEC Chairman) resigned and Berater was fired from his position in the Crypto case.


Wir sehen Bitcoin dies Jahr tellig, aber dann startet der Bull run


Mt.Gox Coins was released by Jahr, but it wasn’t too bad


We are here to help you in 2023 (top only)


NFTs on Bitcoin erleben Renaissance


2023 A new stablecoin will be launched, or it may be changed to market cap


Keep Flippening Aber ETH Wird BTC Outperforms


30% of ETH, larger than Anteil Lido


Rocket Pool starkly appears on the market under Scking Anbietern


Irgendein Krypto Dude wanders into den Knast


Doug flies out of the top 10


There’s nothing better than a “Metaverse” plant.

Rene (all stimulations)

It will be revived from the Coins as of 2017 (Joko has a share)


We’ve got a new privacy loss for Ethereum even more (to Tornado Cash)


Mining mining in great style, but no death spiral


Coinbase Insolvenz and


Bitcoin in El Salvador Dumblet


Where do roses die? Jahar Gislade? Quick pick: Jack Mallers

Here are the community predictions from the K&N Telegram group:

My prediction is that the price of Bitcoin on Barnmarkt will be more manageable, with Bitcoin in 2017 not going above 25k and Ether going above 2.5k, Bitcoin going below 15k and Ethereum going below 1k.

NFT games can have growth, when games improve, and the gaming space in general has no pivot except under the economics of investment.

Bitcoin became a new L2, and was in and out of the lightning and fluid world of adoption into the astral world.


– Shanghai Hardfork doesn’t spend too much time on the genre and kind of bullrun that isn’t cut in half
– Will be issued 2023 by the Federal Reserve
– is used

Alex Power

IOTA Fungicide!
Anmerkung der Redaktion: For the 2021 war the forecast is “Es gibt ne fette IOTA Coordicide Party!!!”, for the 2022 war it is “IOTA Coordicide” 🙂


1. Hard disk drives 2. Iota mainnet SC 3. Shimmer land on top 50 4. Aleph Zero top 25.


Btc over 30k, aptos/sui in top 10. DAG + Move VM new hype logo, das macht ETH and other altcoins raise concern.
Coordinated pesticide on flash. This place is not available to everyone


– DFI schafft Road to 50 nicht

– SBF bekommt Sonderdeal

-Binance ramps up FUD through Verbindung von CZ and SBF

– Kein E-EUR, aber E-USD in testing phase (CBDC)

– Trump has a problem with NFTs

-Bitcoin Geht Zoo. 11 and 15 thousand feet

– Monero wird weiter has been deleted, but the price remains stable

– Larger “compatible” stablecoin.

– 2 of the top 10 coins don’t require more money

– You should have FTX money after a few years of thinking

– Sun kommt ins Kreuzfeuer der Justiz and muss endlich mal bisschen was zahlen


– Bein Lower Low Bei eth als das 2022 Low

– Withdrawals eth Sind ein Nothingburger -> Bein damit im zusammenhang stehender dump

– Pulse series launch (hopefully)

– There is no coordinator for flashing aids on the atom

– There are no smart contracts on the mainnet

– If this happens later (noch)

– weiterhin Kein flippening

– US inflation repeats at the end of the year under 2%

– Bei btc l2’s, nfts, smart contracts

– There is no new addition of BTC land to zahlungsmittel


Scandal by Richard Hart/HEX/Pulsechain (eventually to Verhaftung)


BTC zum Jahresende bei about 30 thousand, while it ranges between 13-15 thousand
Flipt flash, zumindest kurz, IOTA


In 2023 we have become irrelevant whether a sidechain, a sidechain or a sidechain is Bitcoin. (Also funds in Lightning

IOTA Coordicide There is absolutely no IOTA-Netzwerken volzogen sein, wahrscheinlich aber auf kinem.

The Ethereum Validator can withdraw ETH.

We do not have ATH on Bitcoin.

We do not expect US inflation to be >10%.

ETH will provide 10% better performance than BTC. (The price of 1 Bitcoin on 01.01.2024 day 0 hours also has a maximum of 12.5 ETH, pesos. ETH/BTC for 0.08.)

BTC Mainchain Weiterhin is more useful, like humans (it does not contain 14 information, does not include any transaction with 1vbyte/sat durchgeht).


Here are some predictions on Twitter:

Bonus: Technical intelligence introduced:

Supply Chain on Blockchain! the end! 😀

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