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Crypto News

The essence of the bitcoin policy of the liberal party, the bitcoin paper

Australia’s liberation party imagines A financial system where individuals enjoy full control of their wealthFree from overcoming the government and central restrictions. Bitcoin white paper offers a solution for economic efficiency, inflationary currency, and excessive financial regulations.

Basic principles

Australia in the Bitcoin session: The Termination Party calls for a national encoding reserve
Australia in the Bitcoin session: The Termination Party calls for a national encoding reserve

The document confirms individual sovereignty, the second of the bitcoin, financial privacy, and the minimum government intervention. It opposes capital gains tax on bitcoin transactions, factors recognition laws (KYC), mandatory digital identity requirements, and calling for a system in which bitcoin is treated as a legal currency instead of taxable assets.

Main policy goals

The white paper proposes:

  • Bitcoin National Reserve To hedge against inflation and enhance financial flexibility in Australia.
  • Adel organization Miners and mining workers companies are not subject to unnecessary restrictions or discriminatory energy policies.
  • Legal recognition of Bitcoin As a currency for widespread adoption and financial innovation.
  • Privacy protection Which prevents collective monitoring and supports the right to unknown transactions from peers to counterpart.
  • Tax reforms Cancel the capital profit tax on the use of daily bitcoin and simplify the reporting requirements.

Economic and political justification

The decentralized Bitcoin nature is in line with the liberal values ​​by reducing dependence on central banks and government -controlled monetary policies. The paper argues that strengthening the free bitcoin economy will enhance innovation, reduce transactions, and enhance financial inclusion.

An invitation to work

The Liberation Party urges policy makers to implement bitcoin friendly to Australia as a leader in digital financing, ensuring economic freedom and innovation without unnecessary government interference.

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