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Crypto News

The encryption investors put a huge profit position where SpacePay Spy Pressale is approaching

Before acting He approaches a million dollars as investors continue to join the ecosystem. London -based startup is easy for people to use digital currencies for each transaction.

Investors also solve these moves and push before, which already raised nearly a million dollars.

The use of the cryptocurrency for daily purchases has always been difficult. The store owners worry about rapid encryption prices, and many find that technology is confusing. Most payment systems have not been designed with digital currencies in mind, making it difficult for both stores and customers to use encryption for regular shopping.

The revolutionary approach to SpacePay can increase its value and adopt it quickly

Spacepay works to fix these problems with a smart solution. Instead of asking the stores to purchase new equipment, they created programs that work with current card machines. Shoppers can use any of the 325 different encryption portfolios to pay, which makes it easy like using a credit card.

The store owners pay only small fees by only 0.5 % for each sale, and they get their money immediately without any sudden fees.

The beauty of SpacePay lies in its simplicity. You can pay with famous cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, and you don’t need to worry about encryption prices up and down – they get what they owe in their local currency completely. This protection against price changes solves one of the biggest concerns that traders have to accept encryption.

With the discovery of more people Spacepay, its value can grow dramatically. The platform earns money in several ways, and they spend a large part of their resources to remove the word.

Through their easy -to -use approach and strong marketing plans, SpacePay prepares itself to become a major player in how to pay for things.

It also means that many people from around the world can easily adopt the solution. This opens SpacePay to a wide user base of hunger for faster and more efficient solutions.

Spy code: More than just digital money

The Spacepay’s Spy Dokeen code is more than just allowing you to pay. Of the total 34 billion symbols, they sell 20 % (6.8 billion icons) in the pre -center. 17 % of loyal users will be rewarded, 18 % dedicated to strategic partnerships and various marketing efforts.

There will also be different development activities, and 10 % of the total money has been allocated for this. The founders also maintain 9 % of the symbols, while some other allocations are included in the construction of society, the reception of money, and some other purposes.

If you carry spy codes, you will get some great privileges. This includes the monthly air materials for the most active wallet in the ecosystem within a month. Spy holders also have an opinion on how the platform evolves. They get a vote once a month on various initiatives and plans that will affect the future of the ecosystem.

The distinguished code holders have a share of platform’s profits as a negative income. In this way, they are users of the platform and also enjoy some negative income, such as owners.

Spacepay has real progress and real results

Spacepay is not just a hadith. They have already achieved a lot. They raised 750,000 dollars from private sector investors and building a business product. Money shows investors the confidence of some people in the industry in their system.

The platform is also a law as long as possible. They have confirmed that they follow all rules to work legally in most countries. However, they can provide their services in countries that accept encryption. The platform has even won prizes, including the “New Year’s Payment Plastic” at Corporalate LiveWire.

Obtaining early acting acting

If you want to be part of SpacePay, you can join the ecosystem through transfiguration. You can use the encryption port (such as Metamask) to buy spy codes On his website. They accept many different encrypted currencies for payment, including USDT, ETH, Pol and Base.

The current Mahidi price is given 0.003126 dollars per code of the first investors on the ground floor to join before the statute walks.

Join Spacepay (Spy) Pressale now

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