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The defamation, Representative Green, from the speech of Congress Trump on charges of protesting Midikid

  • Representative Al Green suspended the Trump’s joint title on Tuesday night.
  • Democrats in Texas were finally run on the orders of the spokesperson Mike Johnson.
  • Green later told reporters that he was “worth it.”

For the first time in modern memory, a legislator was removed outside the House of Representatives Chamber during the President’s speech to a joint session of Congress.

It started only in President Donald Trump’s speech on Tuesday night, when the president talked about the “mandate” he obtained by virtue of his victory in the 2024 elections.

Representative Al -Green, a democratic in Texas, known for making theatrical gestures, began to put Trump, and told him that he had “had no mandate” for Medicine’s timing.

Democrats accused Trump and the Republicans of pressure for discounts in the program, which serves low -income Americans, by virtue of the budget decision that passed in the council last week.

Greens immediately screaming from the Republican side of the corridor, where the Democratic Republican Party lawmakers asked Texas to sit. But Green continued, eventually, Parliament Speaker Mike Johnson, to direct the Sergeant of the House of Representatives in the weapon to accompany the Congress member outside the room.

“It is worth knowing that there are some people who will stand” for Trump, “Green told reporters outside the room.

Democrat in Texas announced last month that it would provide articles of dismissal against Trump, although there is no support from his delay.

He took a similar step during the term of the first president in his position, until three different votes imposed on the dismissal decision in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Republican lawmakers such as Margori Taylor Green of Georgia and Lauren Boubert of Colorado often exposed the former union addresses, Joe Biden, but they were not removed from the room.

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