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The Chuck Edwards Hall in North Carolina was full of anti -book fireworks

  • Republican Chuck Edwards has prepared a municipal hall in Atelier, North Carolina.
  • The ingredients rushed into a member of Congress around Dog, to almost allow him to obtain a word.
  • “I almost think he is enjoying this -” one of the attendees told BI.

Certainly North Carolina, MP Chuck Edwards, knew this would happen.

“I feel that this is not a producer with every person screaming at my face,” said a combustable crowd member of the voter.

Edwards was fighting for noise. Each few minutes, it was drowned by Kakovoni from screaming, JEERING, and HECKLING.

It seems that the crowd only wanted to talk about one thing: Dog.

Edwards said: “I love him or not, Elon Musk brought many smart people really,” Edwards said. It has been drowned by consumption.

Dog has become the dominant story of Donald Trump’s second presidency. With the disappearance of thousands of federal jobs, billions of dollars are still frozen, and the effect of Elon Musk continues to rise, the anger of Americans in the city hall has turned after the city hall.

Edwards speaks to voters on Thursday

Edwards address the ingredients on Thursday night.

Sean Rivord/Getty Emose

On Thursday night, Edwards is the latest example. About 300 people, many of whom appeared in the fifties, sixties and seventies of the last century, are packed in the humble community college hall in Atell, a city that includes about 95,000 in a western pocket of the state. There were 1,000 other people wandering abroad, carrying Ukrainian flags and signs of Eileon Musk and his initiative that separated from his work. “Musk drug test,” read one.

Over the course of 89 minutes – with dozens of correspondents and at least 10 news cameras on hand – Edwards’s chaotic town hall fell. One of the ancient warriors who described himself by the police was withdrawn after he shouted that Edwards had not given him-“about him or from the other veterans. The members of the audience with each other, were unable to determine whether they wanted to hear actually from a member of Congress or scream at him. A man shouted about the reason for the” non-elected person “-who apparently indicates MUSK-to” running our government. “

There was one clear thing: the fiery storm on Dog does not die anytime soon.

“I think he’s enjoying this -“

Edwards is not a bomb. He was elected to Congress in 2022 after the defeat of Representative Madison Katuhn, who once accused his colleagues of participating in the cocaine chants. On the contrary, Edward’s campaign promised to overcome adults.

In other words, he did not match the power of his voters on Thursday evening. It also does not seem to be able to read the room.

A member of Congress was asked to include “Five Things I did this week to protect democracy”, a reference to spinning to an e -mail of Doug asking federal employees to include their achievements.

A member of the Congress said, after the naming of three: “Exit five things is not difficult.” Voting to pass the government financing bill; The media informed that it will carry the city hall on Thursday.

When asked if he would follow the progress of Dog and reduce 25 % of his employees, Edwards went towards the platform. He had some notes to read from. “Are you looking for what Trump said to say?” The members of the audience diverted. Edwards began shaking on a list of grants and contracts that Dogs claimed was canceled.

“We have found a $ 10 million grant in a small country in Africa for voluntary medical male circumcision,” Edwards said. The crowd grew angry.

Martin Downey, one of the 300 present, later on that night: “I think he is enjoying this -.” “I think it’s a little bit.”

Martin Downey in Chuck Edwards Hall

Martin Downey, 57, faces Edwards during the city hall.

Sean Rivord/Getty Emose

Downey, 57, is one of the thousands of federal workers who were arrested at the Duj intersection. 30 years after the army service, which he said, was transferred to Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Belgium and the Pentagon, he moved with his wife to Winzville in 2020.

“I was a remote worker,” he said. “That was my first sin.”

Then came the email that thousands of other test staff received in February: Downey was finished for “poor performance”, despite their previous receipt “perfect reports.” Downey said, “That’s it. The end. F – You. Thank you for your service.”

Even with the challenge of this extinguishing, Downey said he had no desire to return. “Will I work for people who think and act like this?”

I asked him what he intends to do after that. “Well, I will likely start, Methael Crystal,” he said. His wife explained that he was joking. He said he would start a small company. “What is the right of hell, you know? There are no jobs locally,” Deni said. “The labor market is now immersed with the recently launched people.”

Doug’s delusive effects

Some concerns related to assembly related were extensive: job discounts in the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Veterans Affairs; The arrival of “Musk and Minions” has the databases of the Ministry of Treasury.

Others raised concerns about Atell and West North Carolina, indicating that Djelz in the Federation is at the Medical Center in Duig George at the Medical Center for Old Warriors Affairs; The future of the Federal Veach-Baley Building in the center of Ashlafil; The nearby Great Smoky Mountains Park and Blue Ridge Parkway.

The line to reach the City Hall of Chuck Edwards.

The line to reach the town hall of MP Edwards.

Sean Rivord/Getty Emose

The biggest constant mobilization was Hurin Helen. Nearly six months after the city’s storm destroyed, Ashlal is still clearly reeling from the damage. The destroyed commercial buildings are still in the streets of the city, and broken, distorted trees on the highways leading to the city and outside.

The debris can outperform future fires. One of the attendees asked Edwards if the American forest service was recently redistributed. “The easy answer to this is, yes,” Edwards answered, referring to the judgments of the last court that requires the re -test staff. Nearly 7,700 federal workers live in the Edwards region, according to Congress Research Service.

Edwards said: “To be clear, I am very appreciated the contributions made by Federal employees every day to keep America working and provide important services,” Edwards said. “For example, people in the National Weather Service Office -“

“The shooting was launched!” One woman overlap.

“Threatened by my government”

If senior Republicans have their way, the Edwards town hall – which rapidly spread on social media – will never happen.

Last week, Parliament Speaker Mike Johnson said that “paid demonstrators” were violating the city’s halls, warning its members against “playing” liberal efforts to generate sound. Instead, Johnson suggested that legislators must adhere to the municipal halls of the phone or smaller and more design connections.

Edwards is one of the few Republicans who decided to ignore this advice. “I can make my mind,” he told me in the Capitol a week before the city hall. “One of my favorite activities, which works in Congress, is to be among the people I represent and hear their voices, even if they do not agree.”

There are few questions that such events attract the presence of left -wing tendencies, although there is no evidence that they are receiving their salaries to be there. But the fact that they appear in large numbers can be an indication of the electoral consequences on the road.

Sinthia Orangeo, 72, who specializes in retired health care, told me to the progressive group, in a phone call on Wednesday that she and other activists “help bring the largest possible number of people to the city hall.

“I think this shock and awe. People are in complete disbelief because they mainly tear our democracy.”

"You do not give shit from me!" One of the self -described old warriors shouted at the city hall.

“You don’t give – about me!” One of the self -described old warriors shouted at the city hall.

Sean Rivord/Getty Emose

But others, like Downey, are not necessarily at the left side of the political spectrum. He is independent registered under the heads of the two parties during his period in the army.

Downey told me: “I was never political. My whole life, I was completely independent.” “But this goes beyond the pale. I saw nothing like him. Throughout my life, I never felt threatening by my government, and I intentionally targeted.”

Now, he finds himself screaming at his Congress member.

Edwards was not upset. “Not everything ends,” it does not change my plans at all, “to hold more city halls in the future.

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