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The CEO announces the war on Lazaros after $ 1.4 billion in cryptomode

The repercussions continue from the largest exchanging exchange of encryption in history, as the CEO of BYBIT BEN ZHOU pledged directly to the perpetrators. The attack of $ 1.4 billion, which was confirmed as the work of the Lazaros Group in North Korea, shook this industry.

However, instead of retreating, Bybit launched an aggressive anti -attack, where he presented $ 140 million bonus To track and freeze stolen assets.

Bybit: A bold position against Lazaros

Bybit created a website in the actual time, monitoring stolen money movement across multiple portfolios. The reward program Promises 10 % of the assets recovered for those who have succeeded in freezing stolen encryption.

To date, $ 42.3 million has been frozen, thanks to the cooperation between BLOCKCHAIN ​​analysts, and security companies. This initiative is a great escalation of how the central stock exchanges combat Internet crimes, which indicates a more proactive position in restoring stolen assets.

While Bybit confirms that customer boxes are still fully supported 1: 1, the penetration has fueled broader concerns about security in the central stock exchanges. The attack was carried out by weakness in the process of cold portfolio transactions on the stock exchange, which led to the transfer of more than 400,000 ETH and Steth to the governor of Lazarus, which he controls. Reports indicate that more than $ 270 million of this stolen money has already been washed.

Market reactions and support for the encryption community

The industry response was fast. Main Blockchain security companies, including seriesfor ellipticalAnd ZachbtShe actively participated in tracking stolen money. In addition, the company obtained emergency financing, obtaining approximately 447,000 ETH through without a prescription for reserve renewal. This included that the operations are not affected and that the withdrawals continue as usual.

The attack comes in A volatile moment For the encryption market. Bitcoin has seen big qualifications, and Etherum has struggled to recover after it decreased more than 8 % after penetration byBit. Solana also suffered, with doubts about Mimi currencies and an organizational uncertainty in a 12 % decrease last week.

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