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Bitcoin moves to the mixed POS model, and the co -founder of Solana

Participant founder of Solana Anatoli Yakovnko OPINED This encrypted currency, the largest encrypted currency, is heading towards the “POS)” POS “form.

He argues that central guards and exchanges will reject long -term attacks against a group of “good” miners if the leading currency ends in the end of the national reserves.

This comes amid hot discussions about Bitcoin safely, amid a decrease in transaction fees quickly.

Justin Drake, a researcher at ETHEREUM Foundation, said in a provocative way that Bitcoin was “cooking” in a long social media post. It was estimated that it would take approximately $ 10 billion to perform the 51 % attack, which Drake believes to be “peanuts” for national courses.


Such fears, however, are often exaggerated. Domesticated encryption lawyer Gabriel Shapiro noted that 51 % of the attacks are no longer a real threat at this stage of bitcoin development.

Moreover, some commentators indicated that such an attack will not be possible because it will require a huge alliance of mining farms that have no incentive to break the price of bitcoin.


The Time Magazine account has been hacked to enhance the fake Solana symbol

Meanwhile, ETHEREUM recently achieved its lowest level against Bitcoin since December 2020.

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