The businesswoman felt the tenth general of burns; A house began in the forest
- Fatigue from the Fashion shipping department to Michelle Morigo led to abandoning the city and starting a house.
- In 2021, she and her husband bought a 4 -acre plot in British Columbia for about $ 458,000.
- They were planting their food, and planning to build a shredded ground house where they could live sustainable.
At the end of 2019, Michelle Morigo felt that she hit Rock Pots.
As the owner of the fashion shipping works as a maid, she often woke up at 4 am to start work. Between overseeing the operations of the three physical resale and about 18 employees, Morigeau has been completely burned.
“I just felt of falling and detention,” Moro, 47, a Utiper Homesteader, tell Business Insider. “Sleeping and bustle, grinding the presence in the city, noise, traffic, sirens – everything has become very noisy in my head.”
Although she lived in a beautiful tenant’s house in the city and drove a new jeep, her life felt not breastfeeding.
Quickly forward until 2020, Morigo-like many business owners-was forced to temporarily close its stores due to the epidemic.
Michelle Moro and her husband James moved from Calgary to British Columbia.
Mark Aldous/the peak of photography.
by Coincidentally, her husband’s father, who was stuck in Mexico due to the closure, needed someone to take care of his house in the lake to return. His property was in the eastern Coutinai region of British Columbia, about three and a half hours drive from Calgary.
“Suddenly, my husband James and I were in the truck here in his property in the lake, and life moved from one hundred to zero,” said Morigo. “We fell on this mountain and the life of the forests for six months, and it gave me enough time to realize that this was somewhere I wanted to be in it.”
Slowly, the idea of leaving the city began to grow on it.
“I told my husband, we might be able to make her work in life in the mountains. Fortunately, he was on the plane.”
Escape from the city for a slow rural life
In May 2021, after a year of research, the couple moved to a four -acre property that they bought for $ 650,000, or about 458,000 dollars.
A four-bedroom house-was built in the 1980s-on the ground, provides views of the nearby mountain range. The conspiracy was located in the Lake community in East Coutinai-in the same area where her husband’s father lived-and provided a large area for the aspirations of the spouses.
“It is the same area in which we were when I fell in love with this place, so we knew that we wanted to be here,” Morigo said.
Since her husband was created, they also wanted to get enough space in the property to do DIY projects, and she added: “We wanted to be able to build a self -sustainable lifestyle, such as cultivating our food and rear chicken.”
Some DIY projects that have been completed so far include wood storage cabin and destroyed land sauna.
Mark Aldous/the peak of photography.
Morigo says her friends and family were initially skeptical when they first heard about her movement.
Moroo said: “They said:” What will you do there? What do you do? “But the funny thing is that we have countless things – we have at least 20 years of the projects we planned.”
Some of the biggest changes they made at the property so far include adding wood storage cottage that doubles as a cold spot, expanding their chicken spaces, and building a sauna outside the network from the destroyed land.
“We are also building a 1300 square foot geographical geographical sphere,” Morigo added. “This is a big project that we are now because we are planning to develop food throughout the year.”
They are about 70 % do with the greenhouse. Once this project is completed, the couple plans to build a 3000 square feet-daggered vehicle house with a wing above-from the destroyed land.
The Moro’s plan is to develop all their food. It also has a farm position on its property as it sells additional products.
Mark Aldous/the peak of photography.
Their plan is ultimately to move to this upper wing while demolishing and rebuilding the main house – where they now live – they also use the destroyed land.
Living sustainable
The couple first learned about building the destroyed land through the brother of Morigo, who lives in Tasmania.
“The error was made in our ear by sending YouTube videos for us,” Morigo said. “We really didn’t think about it until we moved here.”
And that is when they learned about the properties of houses built from the destroyed land, such as their resistance to fire and their ability to maintain a comfortable internal temperature throughout the year.
“The atmosphere becomes really cold here in the winter, and it is really hot in the summer, so it will be good if the house can remain a nice temperature,” said Morigo.
The plan is ultimately the demolition of the family home home – where they now live – and rebuild it using the destroyed land. In the picture is the living room in the family home.
Moreover, a built -in house with a low carbon fingerprint – which is in line with their desire to live in a sustainable and harmonious way with nature.
She said: “This will be what I will consider a healthy house, unlike the homes of the stick frame and the things they are now building with materials that may be carcinogenic to you.”
Dirt houses are not a new invention; This type of architecture has been present for years-as is the case in the clay buildings from the city of Sana’a, and in the city of Djenné, a city in Mali known as Adobe.
Before building the sauna, the couple never worked with the devastating land buildings before, Moroo said.
The couple works to obtain permits to start building destroyed land housing. In the picture is the main home kitchen.
But the great obstacle they face now is to obtain the necessary permits to build.
“Unfortunately, where we live, we need permits. We have not moved far enough that we were unable to involve the government,” said Morego.
“They are asking us to drop a lot of money in engineering, which we have already done, but now they want us to share architects,” said Morrigo, adding that their discussions are a continuous process.
It becomes self -sufficient
Morigo has already begun to grow parts of their lands. In addition to being self -sustainable, it also started a position of the farm on its property in the hope of cultivating enough food to provide it to society.
“We have a huge garden,” she said. “We are growing enough food to feed us throughout the summer as well as the farm position. I keep everything too.”
She and her husband are not the only ones interested in the home, and the practice of living in self -sufficiency outside the ground.
Morigeau has a farm position on its property as it sells excess of products.
Mark Aldous/the peak of photography.
Lifestyle was popular in the years that have passed on the epidemic, according to American homes, an organization of Roots Groots that call for an agricultural lifestyle.
2022 reconnaissance Among the 4000 houses conducted by the organization that food security and the desire for a simpler lifestyle were among the main reasons that the respondents began in the house.
Many of the houses that BI had previously spoke to have shared that lifestyle was a way to do so Reject And control of the environmental footprint.
Morego said she learned everything she knows about gardening through experience, error and YouTube. She also took some tips from the neighbors who lived in the region.
“I did not grow anything in the city,” she said. “Last summer was the first time that I had no need to search for anything while I was gardening.”
Etraction from materialism
Morigo says her life is now more peaceful compared to when she was living in the city. She also feels more related to nature and people around her.
“We take care of each other, from our neighbors who lend us large equipment to build our projects, for me to take care of their children and make them granola,” said Morigo.
Somehow, leaving Calgary was a way to start again, although it took some time to fully settle here.
Its administration continued remotely for the first year and a half before being ready to abandon it.
Now, she says she is living a more peaceful life and is no longer concerned about material things.
Mark Aldous/the peak of photography.
“I thought I could do this remotely. The money was good and everything, but after you constantly returned it to the city, I needed to break this tie in my new life here,” said Morrigo.
In the end, I found a person to sell shipping, but she preferred not to share the amount of what he sold.
“In the first year of thinking that it was really difficult, because it was a work that was transferred to me in 2013 by my mother when she died,” said Morrigo. “Not to mention this, James built all the shoppers, put all his love and energy in it. If he left this, it was really difficult.”
Now that she is here for some time, Morigo says she feels less related to physical things. You no longer care about the signs; All her clothes should be practical because she spends a lot of time outdoors.
“After about a year of exit from here, I went back to the store. I remember that I was sitting there, where people buy Louis Vuitton and all the famous brands, and only think,“ this doesn’t really matter, ”“ It really doesn’t matter, ”Moro said.” It was That is when I realized that my passion for this work had died. “
Its expenses are also lower now, because it feels less shopping. Not only that, it is about 40–She added that the car is accurate to the nearest city – which does not even contain a mall.
She said: “In the city, if I feel bored, I will go shopping and buy things that do not really matter. Here, there is no place to do this.”
If we look back on their journey, Morigo says that their perseverance got them even the most difficult days.
“My advice to anyone will be, if you really want and put your mind on it, then this will happen to you,” she said. “Since there are many things we reached, it took time, but we continued to persevere, then it happened to us.”
Have you recently moved to a new country and found or renewed your dream home? If you have a story to share it, call this reporter on ago.