SEC Reducing the encryption app

According to the hadith a report By the New York Times, the American Securities and Stock Exchange Committee is on the right path to significantly reduce the efforts to enforce the encrypted currency.
The unit of approximately 50 years is reduced, and it is dedicated to fetching lawsuits against the encryption players.
There was already a major defeat within the unit, with a major lawyer who dealt with encryption cases that are expelled from the enforcement department.
The changes were widespread after the departure of President Gary Ginsler.
Acting President Mark Oida and Commissioner Hyster Peres have long been criticizing the SEC’s enforcement efforts.
Pierce is now president New encryption task The force that aims to develop comprehensive rules for this industry.
The work band is now its own web page On SEC. The initial priority list will include examining different types of digital assets to determine the safety/commodity status, identifying areas outside the jurisdiction of the Supreme Education Council, working on a possible safe port for symbols, establishing an appropriate nursery system, etc.
Stewart Aldouti, the chief lawyer in Ribel, praised Pierce, claiming that she had been a “fixed voice for the organizational mind” during the former Crusader campaign against Crypto. “Today’s note is another quick step towards converting the page on the chaos that we all inherited,” he added.
Aldeoty said he was looking to eat coffee with Peirce in 2025.
like It was mentioned by u.todayThe new SEC administration was preparing to freeze and possibly drop some non -free encryptions.