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The bigger my children, the less they want to travel

  • Before I have children I visited 80 countries.
  • I knew that I wanted to show my children the world as soon as we could travel.
  • Now that they are teenagers, they stay at home and stare at the screen.

I was born with Wanderlus. Before I have childrenI visited more than 80 countries. Once I gave birth to children, I knew that I wanted to show them the world. I was hoping that by doing this, I could instill them with love of travel and help them become a curious, curious human beings.

For years, love it Pack their bags. They listened to me impatiently, explaining the basics of history and culture wherever we are heading.

However, as soon as they reach adolescence, things changed. They decided that they prefer to stay at home, usually Connected to a device. Getting them to go on trips are good, a conflict. However, she refused to surrender. I changed how I thought about traveling. Since then, our flights have been much better.

I ask them where they want to go

When adolescents began to complain that they did not like the destinations she chose, she asked them to inputs. I am a more adventurous traveler who prefers to explore tracks and effects. My daughter, on the other hand, is the city of the city through and lesson. She told me that she prefers urban destinations.

Although I was looking for an African safari, as soon as Tokyo teenagers suggested, I started doing some research. I am now about to book a trip to Japan, and I think we will all be happy.

Teenagers were less angry as soon as they started planning trips that are their desires instead of just expecting to enjoy the same things like me. In addition, if it complains, I remind them that the journey was their idea, and not mine.

I devote time to doing the things they enjoy

I prefer hiking from the store, but my teenage daughter has not yet found a commercial center that you do not like. I try to work at some point to browse the local shopping areas wherever we go. I wanted to pull my hair when I brought me to the same chain store that we have near our house when visiting Rome.

However, sometimes, I am happy because I followed her progress. I am not sure that I was visiting the jaw Dubai Mall Or the advanced Connail Place shopping area in New Delhi, with the completion of a huge underground shopping area filled with commodities designed directly under it. Both were cultural experiences.

I always give my daughter a budget or insist that her money be spent. She is still going away, and the rest of the trip is going smoothly. As I repeat shopping trips, it is a little payment for payment.

I find ways for them to communicate with other adolescents

When they travel, teenagers lack their friends. Although I would like to think that their brothers and their parents are a great company, I know they do not see things in the same way.

To compensate for that, I try to find ways for them to communicate with other teenagers when we travel. This means changing the usual independent travel method, always. Although I am A group tour was booked for the first time Filty, I am preparing to book a third family tour with bold travel. On these tours, teenagers find other children of their age to communicate with them and be happier.

When we want a more relaxed pace, I looked for resorts like Beaches With special teenage clubs. Adolescents have made friends from all over the world in this way. They are better traveling comrades when part of the experience with their peers. I will lie if I don’t admit that I love some time alone.

I try to absorb their need for a time alone

Even when things go smoothly, teenagers still need a long time from me. Although I find this a little painful, I am trying to give them space.

Sometimes, this means leaving the teenager alone in a hotel room while I play UNO with a brother in the hallway. At other times, one of the teenagers may take a shuttle bus from an entertainment garden to the hotel themselves or stay in our room in a resort while the rest of the family goes to the swimming pool.

It is not always possible to give my teenage time completely alone when they want it, but find a way to separate us, makes the time we are better.

I remind them of the ways that enrich their life

Like most teenagers, my children hesitate to admit that they learned anything or enjoyed. However, my daughter recently showed me a high school art portfolio. I was surprised and pleased to see that it included a board of a door inspired by our trip to Morocco and a whale inspired by our trip to Iceland. I heard my son talking about a trip to the Caribbean.

Although these moments are rare, I take the opportunity to remind adolescents of the value and confidentiality of travel.

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