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The Australian couple are trapped in terror in the air while a Qatar passenger dies next to them

  • The Australian Venice holiday in Venice begins shock while participating in a row with a deceased passenger.
  • Qatar Airways crew is unable to transport the large body of the passengers to the degree of business after the midst of the flight.
  • The couple was forced to stay on the plane while attending medical services to the deceased passenger after landing.

Air Travel has skillfully producing strange and unexpected experiences, starting with lost luggage, strange passengers’ requests, or even someone losing a first -class flight ticket. But for Australian couple, the Venice dreams turned into an unforgettable terrifying experience when they had to share their plane seat with a body during the last four hours of their flight.

Mid’s tragedy

Mitchell Range and Jennifer Colin took the Qatar Airways flight from Melbourne for romantic kidnapping and was enthusiastic about the gun and evening evenings when a tragedy occurred. During the trip, a woman collapsed in the corridor after returning from the bathroom. The cabin crew hurried and started performing CPR as the passengers participated in uncomfortable looks. Despite their efforts, unfortunately died in the middle of the trip.

The Australian couple Mitchell and Jennifer shared their plane seat with a deceased passenger for four hours. Photo: Channel 9

Things became more complicated when the crew tried to move her body to the degree of business, but she could not. The episode shared the annoying experience with Current relationship on Channel 9: “But she was a big lady, and they could not get it through the corridor.”

And when they thought things could not get more surrealism … they did so.

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From bad to worse

With many options available, flight attendants found two empty seats in the class of four couple. Ring was asked to move, and before they know that, the woman was placed directly next to her, covered with some thin blankets. Four hours. This is the time they sat next to.

For Mrs. Colin, who was a nervous bulletin on a Good dayThe experiment was a special shock. She remembers: “When my husband turned and said:” move, move “, I was shocked and said,” Will they put it there? “

After landing at Doha Airport, the spouses were asked to stay in their seats while the medical staff examined the body. Photo: AFP

Finally, the drop in Doha had to put an end to a nightmare but no luck. The passengers were ordered to stay sitting while the local authorities and medical employees boarded the plane.

Mitchell and Jennifer found themselves stuck in a seat in the extended front row. Mitchell, while officials examined women, and removed the blankets, he took a look at the woman’s face, leaving him and Jennifer Maroub.

How common is death on board?

It seems that sitting next to a person died in the middle of the trip looks like something from a horror movie, and it is definitely uncomfortable. Study 2021 in The American Journal of Emergency Medicine I found that medical emergencies on the plane occurred at a rate of 18.2 events per million passengers, and deaths occurred about 0.21 per million passengers, which is a small part.

Most of the medical accidents contain things such as breathing problems or strokes and are not disturbing as his Mitchell and Jennifer experience.

Qatar Airways issued a statement confirming that the airline was investigating the accident. Photo: Getti

Qatar Airways responds

After the story became viral, Qatar Airways He confirmed that she was investigating the accident and communicating with the affected passengers. In a statement, the airline expressed its condolences and stressed that the welfare of passengers is a top priority.

For Ring and Colin, it was not supposed to be a romantic smuggler in Rifle It started with one of the most painful experiences in their lives and has become a journey that will never forget all the wrong reasons.

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