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The American Crypting Council plans for a “golden age” of digital assets

The Innovation Curd Council is now calling for an organizational reset of the encrypted currency sector during the era of President Donald Trump to ensure the United States remains a competition in this field.

this Historical hearing Industry leaders, policy makers and financial experts will bring to discuss new legislative solutions that are likely to create a “golden age” of digital assets.

The listening session on the future of Crypto explores the path from suffocating growth to the “Golden Age”

The session will cover the current Blockchain cases, see how to strangle the industry during President Joe Biden in his post, and discuss the required consumer protection regulations, along with other legislation to cancel the encryption capabilities in the United States in the United States

Some of the main participants will include cryptocurrencies, such as Jose Fernandez Da Ponte from Paypal, Jonathan Jashim from Cracks for encryption, and Timothy Massad from Harvard University.

in Written certificate To Congress, Jon Hoon Kim, President and CEO of the Prosecutor’s Current Council for Innovation (CCI), stressed the importance of comprehensive digital assets policy at the federal level. He pointed out that international competitors, such as the European Union, the United Kingdom, Japan and Singapore, are progressing with clear regulations, which exposes the United States to the risk of knees. Kim has set four major legislative priorities to ensure that the United States remains a world leader in digital assets.

These priorities include passing comprehensive legislation in the market structure, passing Stablecoin legislation, enhancing coordination between the Securities and Stock Exchange Committee (SEC) and the CFTC Futures Trading Committee, and supporting decentralized financing and individual empowerment.

A unified regulatory framework will open Crypto capabilities

The Coy Garrison, partner at Steptoe Law Firm, also noted that SEC, CFTC and FDIC are all working to restore encryption companies to the United States after retreating many restrictions that were implemented during the administration of former President Joe Biden.

Garrison’s certificate also stressed the need to take Congress measures to supervise the circulation of digital assets in the immediate market, in addition to the SEC’s responsibility for providing organizational clarity within its current jurisdiction:

Timing is suitable for Congress and management to work together to implement an organizational framework that affects the need for digital assets in the United States.

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One of the witnesses is Timothy Masad, a research colleague at Harvard University and the former head of the commodity and futures committee (CFTC) during the Obama administration. In his testimony, he presents a detail cash From the stable verb, the Stablecoin Law at home. Also, the Senate has a draft law on a genius law, which is somewhat similar.

What is preferred to set the rules and excessive organization by implementation. However, DEFI compared to driving a car without brake and not keen on hosting portfolios.

On the other hand, it objects to emphasizing that digital assets are mainly used for illegal activity and it is believed that the encryption here is to survive.

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