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Ghost cities in China trillion dollars where no one wants to live

  • In China there are about 65 million empty housing units, which is enough to accommodate all population of France.
  • Huge construction projects have created entire cities that are still largely uninhabited.
  • Modern cities such as Kangbashi and Tianduching are struggling with 90 % vacant rates.

For several centuries, building new cities and cities is seen as a symbol of progress – the introduction of modern houses, a new bright infrastructure, and promised to flourishing societies. This recipe usually works, making both homeowners and investors, making these projects successful.

However, in China, things took a strange turn. Entire cities were built using skyscrapers, paved roads, and luxury apartments, but no one moved. They have now left standing, like elaborate films collections from one of the missing Blade Complete, waiting for actors who never appear.

China abandoned tall apartments
China has more than 65 million empty housing units. Photo: Getty

He erred an economic boom

The Chinese economy has risen in recent decades, and with this growth, a real estate madness came. The developers have built tall apartments and urban complexes, Breakneck, with a bet that the growing middle class will rush to fill them. Senerat and expectations have been invested.

But then – pumpkin. Buyers did not come. Families have hesitated, investors retreated, and developers realized that they would be overwhelmed by the demand. Now, about 65 million Residential units sit empty – this is enough population for all population of France. Imagine entire neighborhoods of virgin buildings without lights at night, roads without cars, and stadiums in which fluctuations never move. The stranger does not even start covering it.

China abandoned tall apartments
Many of these cities and newly built buildings in China are still empty. Photo: Getty

Ghost City, Ordos

One of the most notorious examples of ghost cities in China is Kangbashi, a region in The city of Urdous In northern China. It was built during the early boom of coal in the early first decade of the twentieth century and was supposed to include more than a million people. The city had everything – elegant residential complexes, gardens, library and modern museum. On paper, it was the city of Ahlam, but the people of China were not interested.

To make it less frustrated, local authorities have moved government offices there and encouraged workers to move. Some did – about 100,000 people – but that was still only a small number compared to what was planned and the city still feels far from the loud axis that was supposed to be.

China abandoned tall apartments
These ghost cities have a modern infrastructure, skyscrapers, bridges, hospitals, and schools, but no one wants to live there. Photo: Rafael Oliver

Konling Fellow Dream

Chenggong, located near KunmingHe tells a similar story. It was launched in 2003 to reduce urban crowding and the plan was simply to build a Satalie city that people agreed to. Instead, it has become another ghost. She had tall apartments that stretched as much as the eye could see, but the lights rarely flashing at night.

Things became so bad that in 2021, officials demolished Fifteen buildings incomplete After developers run out of money.

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Tianducheng: China has failed “Paris”

Tianwashing, nickname “Paris China“Another failed urban project is. The city is not just a few streets with French names. We are talking about a replica version Eiffel Towerthe De Triumphi ArcMagician buildings in Parisian style, fountains, and accurate landscape gardens. It was built in 2007 and was supposed to be a romantic smuggler with European magic.

Paris in China
Tianducheng, designed to repeat the iconic buildings and monuments in Paris, has also failed to attract residents. Photo: Ally Song

But things did not go as planned, and now the city feels like a dream that forgot someone who wakes up from it. Only 30,000 people live there, which is limited to only 10 % of what the developers hoped. You can hike in the streets with another spirit barely on the horizon, making it ideal for taking selfies but not much if you want their reactions in society.

Of course, not all hope. Some of these cities have seen an increase in the population. But let’s be real – there are millions of apartments that are still empty.

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