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Crypto News

Standard Charterd Bitcoin expects to reach $ 500,000 by 2028

In the latest development, Standard Charterd, a British multinational bank, issued a bold prediction that Bitcoin (BTC) could reach $ 500,000 before Donald Trump’s presidency ends. The bank expects to increase prices due to a more appropriate organizational environment and increased access to bitcoin.

It is worth noting that Bitcoin is expected to reach $ 200,000 in 2025, then steadily rise to $ 300,000 in 2026, $ 400,000 in 2027, and finally $ 500,000 in 2028, before settling the following year.

Bitcoin is currently $ 98,600, an increase of 43 % from 68,800 dollars before Trump’s victory in the November elections. The legal standard prediction of $ 500,000 can mean 407 % over the current situation. At this price, the maximum Bitcoin market may reach $ 10.5 trillion, exceeding Apple and Microsoft, and it represents about half the maximum of the gold market of $ 19.4 trillion.

Standard Charterd sees great growth capabilities for Bitcoin, due significantly to the increased access of the investor after the introduction of bitcoin boxes circulating on the stock exchange in the United States in January 2024. This development is expected to increase demand and increase the value of bitcoin.

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