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Somnia Blockchain begins Shannon Testnet

Somnia, a new collection of data on data, has announced the launch of Shannon Testnet. Testnet is designed to display opportunities for Multistream consensus in Somnia and other relevant technologies, a major milestone on the way to the Mainnet version.


SomaBlockchain data that brings the world data on the series, quickly and unparalleled effectiveness, Shannon Testnet, is a big step towards Mainnet. Celebration of Galoud Elwood Shannon, the father of information theory, Shannon provides developers and users of a tester in the real world for the fast and effective DAPPS.

After the standard Devnet performance in Somnia, with a value of a million TPS, a second second end and a percentage transaction fee, the Shannon Testnet is here to pay the ability to expand further.

During the Devnet test, Somnia was processed by more than 3.6 million transactions across more than 300,000 unique addresses, proving its ability to deal with the demand in the real world. Shannon Testnet is designed to test congestion resistance and give developers infrastructure to publish applications on an unprecedented scale.

The new Testnet has been launched with many third -party health working, direct filling and improved infrastructure. Also, there are incentives of the multiple ecosystem ongoing.

Testnet enhances the consensitial consensus of Somnia

Suminia’s founder Paul Thomas feels overwhelming through Blockchain’s sabotage in Devnet and is expected to come with the developments with Shannon:

Shannon Testnet is the floor that is fixed for the future of the entire chain. Thanks to 1M+ TPS, a second end, and a multi -consense consensus, developers can build without limits, and millions of users can experience Blockchain on real internet scale

SONNIT SONNIT is running through many leading innovations, making it the most Blockchain test environment available today.

First of all, the Somnia Multistream consensus is a breakthrough in the scaling of Blockchain, allowing the implementation of parallel transactions without slowing the network. This innovation guarantees that even in high transaction volumes, somnia maintains speed, efficiency and decentralization.

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