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Crypto Trends

Some welcome news – J

Despite the jump in the US shortcake yesterday, EUR/USD rose with higher intelligence at the back of the Trump Putin story. Shortly before these main headlines were injured, the euro was also gathering on comments from European officials that they were currently negotiating with their counterparts in the United States to try to avoid customs tariffs, and FX analysts at G Chris Turner noticed.

Correct the euro/US dollar to be a difficult offer to 1.0500/0530

“Progress in peace in Ukraine can be important for European countries if low energy prices are available and broader investment is available against the background of something like the new Marshall Plan. Current savings rates are higher than average-if only confidence can improve.”

“However, the threat of definitions that are suspended as a dark letter on an area, and it seems that it is unlikely that companies or consumers are able to conclude any time soon from the decrease in the threat of customs tariffs. There is no doubt that speculators are currently returning the short positions of the euro. ”

“However, these positions are not extreme, and the story of inflation in the underlying United States maintains the spread of prices on a large scale in favor of the dollar. This is why this euro/dollar correction is likely to be a difficult offer to 1.0500/0530 with an external risk 1.0575.

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