DePin Day Denver 2025, which is hosted by Fluence draws more than 1000 registrations
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Debine on DenverHold it LobesIt is one of the leading events in the DePin Day Conference Series. This event showcases the founders of DePin, service providers, investors and thought leaders highlighting the latest innovations in the DePin scene.
Denver Debine’s day has a special importance for the factor, as is the case on our journey one year ago with our first day. Our goal was to create something unique and distinctive for the DePin community, and over the past year, Fluece hosted eight events around the world, and combined thousands of DePin founders, investors and lovers on four continents.
This year, we again focus on building a DePin community and linking the US -based WeB3 ecosystem, including wireless communication, power generation, computing, sensors and appointment in Denver. The attendees of industry experts will hear and offer an insight into their experience in building leading projects.
DePin Day Denver 2025 will include a prominent partners, including Plemable, Polygon, Akave, Assisterr, Geodnet, Network Cloud Network, Mawari, Nodeops, Parasail, Spexi, Swan Chain, Exples and Filecoin Foundation and Hudde 01. Beincrypto supports DePin Day as a media partner for this event. This event will ignite intellectual talks on the future of the DEPIN space, and displays a variety of leading voices, bringing new views and deep experience at the forefront of decentralized material infrastructure networks.
Some prominent speakers include Tom Tropridge (Flo), Ben Fielding (Jinsen), Trevor Hares Jones (offer), Bill Lielland (Spexi), Dylan Ban (Messari), Robert Kusheng (1KX), Jay and Walllet (A16Z) (evidence of coverage , Mahesh Ramkrichan (EV3), Anna Perth (Dcg), David (Glow), Alpeen Sheith (Without Borders), Adam and Wwzni (Aquash Network), Mike Horton (Geodnet), and more.
Tom TropridgeFluence CEO and CEO, He said: “DePin Day has grown dramatically since our first talk in Denver last year. After success and the positive impact of our conference series last year, our goal is to continue serving the DePin community by hosting the leading DePin conferences around the world. We are pleased to see the repetition of participation from Many DePin founders, builders, investors and partners. As an essential gathering place for the DePin community.
About Deeb Day
Deep Day It is a series of conferences devoted to exploring the nuances of decentralized physical infrastructure networks. This event begins vital talks and enhances cooperation between founders, researchers, developers and lovers by discussing modern trends and challenges in the DePin industry.
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About the color
Lobes It is the non -central computing platform (decentralized physical infrastructure network) that provides a flexible, open and low -cost alternative to traditional cloud computing. Founded in 2017 by Dmitry Kurinskiy, Evgeny Ponomarev and Tom Tropridge, Fluence raised $ 14 million of major investors, including 1KX, Multicoin, distributed global, Blockchange, Tiger Global, and Laboratory Protocol. For more information, please visit Website
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