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Crypto News

Solana Cofetser claims that Bitcoin has no value, that is why

Solana Coftence Anatoly Yakovenko says Bitcoin (BTC) has a fundamental value of zero compared to other assets. Terse against the largest encrypted currency caused the market value to attract reactions in the ecosystem with a cross section that takes strikes in Solana.

Solana, the founder of Solana, says Bitcoin has no value, not an investment

Solana Coftence Anatoly Yakovenko has given aspirations for Bitcoin as an investment option, saying that the original has no value. Yakovnko presented assurances on a mail On X, claiming that the original is not an investment but it is similar to a coin click.

He argues that the best Bitcoin scenario is “insurance” against the collapse of a global superpower. The co -founder Solana has linked the possibilities of such a 1 % collapse, adding that Bitcoin may withstand well in the event of the collapse of the superpower.

“It is worth it for me to spend 1 % of my wealth on some of the origins that may not reach zero in that environment,” said Yakovnko. “It is not an investment, and it is a cost and there is no guarantee that it will work.”

Yakovenko adds that the price of BTC is $ 100,000 or 10 thousand dollars does not affect its ability to collapse the superpower.

“If it succeeds, it has nothing to do with technology outside the initial innovation that occurred 15 years ago,” said Yakovinko.

Maxis Bitcoin varies with yakovenko allegations

Yakovenko’s comments sparked a wave of reactions from Cryptoverse with incompatibility in the largest part with its claim. The Angel Ashkay BD investor diverges from Yakovenko, noting that Bitcoin provides a huge value that flows from its ability to protect users from the risks of the opposite limb.

He adds that without BTC, individuals will be forced to deal with banks and failed governments with currency decorations and capital controls.

Others say despite the future contracts of CME Group, but Solana is exaggerated because it still finds its feet in the world. Critics assumes that if the founder of Solana Bitcoin sees that it is good for the events of the Day of Resurrection, Solana is only dedicated to the mimoz.

Although the previous Memecoin activity in SolaNA has increased, the ecological system activity fades with a distinctive symbol to stop pumping amid market fluctuations.

It seems that the president of the Solana Laila Liu Foundation is away from Yakovnko’s claim. LIU considers itself as Bitcoiner while defending tribalism in the ecosystem in a prolonged publication.


Alio Bokima

Responsibility: Is market research before investing in encrypted currencies? The author or post does not bear any responsibility for your personal financial loss.

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