Big Tech broke us – can these three companies bring us back together?

I discovered me something that was right under our noses-my feelings of loneliness were climbing since I moved to work remotely and climbing the Bedouin, who relied on many of my human communication with media online.
Even after the Bedouin traveler ended, my habits were not online, and I left wondering why my feelings of isolation rose at random times from the week even when I was physically surrounded by societies.
Feeling lonely It is an unpleasant emotional response, often, to tangible isolation. Although it interferes with isolation, it has been described so far as social pain- often associated with tangible Lack of communication and intimacy. For me, the feeling of lonely appears to be just a spot of dust in the universe – the important, invisible, and invisible, regardless of what I do.
Unity epidemic
The American General Surgeon, Dr. Vivek Mortth, announced that the unit is an epidemic in 2023. Unity is the deep emotional pain that we feel when our need is not meaningless – and today, one of all two adults.
With the increased feelings of loneliness in our society, scientists were keen to search if technology bears and found that technology could increase the feeling of loneliness when using it in unhealthy ways. Companies began to think about innovative ways to make progress in the new epidemic.
Fortunately, many studies have shown that people who are socially and healthy emotionally can also spend a lot of time in technology – explaining that online presence does not automatically mean that we are able to feel lonely. And companies, although capitalism in nature, saw some innovative products that could help calm us.
Therefore, let’s take a look at some unhealthy technical habits that can cause loneliness, along with companies that use technology to help fight them.
Three unhealthy technical habits increase the feeling of loneliness
We will start exploring three unhealthy ways to use technology that has proven to be exacerbated by the unit:
1. Falling the trap of social comparison
Social media is similar to a giant video and video album that displays the best parts (or just beyond) of people’s lives, often without any real context. “It is difficult to know who is real on the Internet, and it is difficult for people to be themselves on the Internet, and this is a recipe for unity.”
Social media does not always have a negative impact on your mental well -being, especially if you use it to find transparent entertainment or entertainment. However, online and indifferent, people naturally compare themselves with others, a behavior that psychologists call social comparisons.
So when social media provokes your envy and implants the belief that you are not good, enjoyable or popular like people you see online – it prevents you from chances to form deep connections that show your authentic self – which raises the strongest feeling of isolation and causes severe feelings of loneliness.
2. Dependence a lot on text messages
Several studies have shown that direct digital reactions, such as correspondence, phone calls and video calls, are linked to reducing the feelings of the unit. However, relying heavily on text messages may increase the feeling of loneliness if real connections are not present.
We have all felt a painful ability of anxiety and loneliness during the time of our friend all the time in the world to respond to us. This happens because text messages do not provide us with the complete context of the sender’s intentions or our emotions. This lack of context is exactly the reason that building real communications through text messages is a challenge, because it wipes the line between the illusion of communication and increased feelings of unity.
3. Addicted to the flow
An academic review of multiple studies concluded that adults who collected programs tend to experience depression and anxiety, and to some extent, unit. It takes a lot of time, and perhaps the time it can be dedicated to exit and social communication.
Dr. Mark Puttza, Professor of Yale University and work addiction expert in the review, said that although stretching studies that focus on broadcast applications such as Netflix, it was important to note that other types of applications, including Tiktok and Instagram rollers, type Similar to endless viewing.
The rise of the unity economy
Although the questions that revolve around the ethics of losing the feeling of loneliness – to the extent of taking advantage of sadness with artificial intelligence that simulates the patterns of speech and thinking for the deceased individuals, as shown in the German documentary film Show youIt would be excessively satirical to assume that these efforts, although capitalism will have no effect on feeling the sedative loneliness.
The real intentions behind the companies mentioned below, which developed a strategy to address unity and perhaps even fighting this, remain unclear.
But what I can say is that I had personally tried two of them, and they have succeeded, at least temporarily, to reduce my unit.
Innovative companies address the unit
It seems that one of the Giants of TECH AI has found their distinction in the increasing need of humans to communicate and emotional comfort. Claude AI was chosen as the favorite artificial intelligence of Tech Insider, due to an impressive level of what can be considered “Emotional intelligence.”
When the Antarbur first released the model of obstetric intelligence, it lied a competitive feature in the ability of Claude to read PDF files but the competitors soon applied this feature, so Claude decided to spray a different type of appeal.
Amanda Askil, researcher and philosopher in a person responsible for formulating Claude a personalityShe said: “The measurement I use is a very respectable traveler.” “What kind of person you cannot agree with, but you think,
“This is a good person”? This is the type of features that we want Claude. “
Claude Ai has seen an increase in her popularity because of its openness and curiosity and thinking with users who testify that they feel healthy and best supported by its existence.
Unlike Claud AI, many artificial intelligence targets 50 % of the world’s population who report unit, but no character of artificial intelligence has received much praise like Antarbur. When using artificial intelligence to treat immediate moments of unit, it is also important for users and parents of user with caution about the potential lines between imagination and reality that remembers the 13 -year -old Siwel Citzer decision to end his life after an artificial intelligence figure apparently encouraged him to do so.
Timeleft is an application that matches you with strangers for dinner every Wednesday at 7 pm. The application is rapidly expanding to acquire users in most major cities around the world. According to Crunchbase, the company, based in France, appears to have addressed the previous defects in dating applications – where people were only paired to date – with solutions Entering a structure allows users to meet with others in preparing a more comfortable set, providing time and resources usually required to meet one person by applying dating.
User reviews of this application vary greatly, and the dynamics of strangers are often affected randomly for dinner. The application provides direct correspondence feature (DM) among the participants who provide each other positive reviews after dinner – although this feature may exacerbate feelings of rejection unintentionally, which may contribute to a feeling of loneliness. Some users, however, found ways about this. In the groups where a naturally friendly dynamic appeared, the participants intentionally exceeded the application feature by exchanging Instagram handles at dinner. One of the auditors noticed that she was in contact with the people she met that night through Instagram.
However, some auditors note that Timeleft works mainly as a dating application for the group, as the male ratio to females is set for each dinner in 1: 1, and it seems that many participants are looking for something romantic. Again, it seems that the effectiveness of the application in promoting friendships depends greatly on the specified mix of individuals appointed at each dinner.
Similar to Timeleft, the most obvious assembly platforms such as Eventbrite and Designynight, as well as inserting the joint living list sites, have increased popularity among people who want to stay in contact with the unit epidemic.
Last week, Bill Bell, CEO of Pinterest, joined a growing movement of parents, teachers and organizers who are calling for “phone free from the phone”, although his company’s product can benefit from adolescents who use phones all the time. The company has greatly evaded the criticism faced by other technology platforms regarding youth safety, in part due to its visual content usually focuses on great topics such as architecture, fashion and cooking.
This is the social media platform that reduces the possibility of users to participate in social comparison recently re -equipped its algorithm to determine the priorities of the content that people wanted to reconsider instead of seeking to increase the amount of time they spend looking at certain publications.
Studies have shown that social media has caused more positive feelings among students who browse participants from people who have shared useful information via the Internet.
While Pinterest continues to focus on coordinating practical aesthetic content that provides recipe or decoration tips, and the fixed screen instead of videos that can be broadcast without limits – The platform may be the initial model for social media that avoids the exacerbation of the unit – quietly find this, without publicly claiming to do so.
Why have some companies were excluded from the list
Before the unit was recognized, the large wave of dating applications came in 2015. While these applications should help, on paper, the people who were feeling lonely by conforming to partners, the nature -like nature, which encouraged rapid judgments and rejection Repeated, make people only feel lonely. Therefore, Tinder, Bumble and Coffee Meets Bagel will not be listed as companies that use technology to combat unit.
Online therapy platforms such as Betterhelp have not been chosen as examples of companies that use technology to combat unit, although this is where you have received advantages of remote health care program. While the treatment can support individuals with isolation, these platforms (and its therapists) did not redefine the structure of the cost of the treatment, even with an improvement in access. As a result, online therapy remains a service that mainly benefits a distinctive instead of serving the wider population. The Jamatherapy report found that the use of treatment has grown more among young people, those who suffer from higher education, and individuals in the upper income arches.
Take proactive steps to combat unity
It is important to realize that the technology designed to combat unit is still in its early stages. Instead of relying only on these tools to address the feelings of separation, we must take proactive measures for ourselves. These include setting our social media settings, such as using “Favorite” feature in Instagram To determine the most important account priorities for us, or choose Voice messages(Calls or video calls is better, of course) where our words and emotion can be frequently frequent than texts filled with shortcuts.
I hope you enjoyed this article! Shout to the Brian X Chen editorial, How did technology create a recipe for unity, Posted in New York Times On November 10, 2024, it was inspired by the first section, unhealthy habits, for this piece.
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