gtag('config', 'G-0PFHD683JR');

Shengshu Vidu API technology is launched, as it provides a developed and high -quality video for developers and institutions

Through this API application, developers and institutions partners will be able to reach a set of advanced features in VIDU 2.0, including Reference to videoand Image to video and The video stipulatedWhich works alongside to convert fixed images and text on a visual and visually coherent videos while maintaining the consistency of the topic through multiple views.

This first penetration in the industry depends on the unique U-Vit structure of the company and deep semantic understanding, which occupies the capabilities of the advanced multimedia video in VIDU. The ability to ensure that a stable and consistent video is produced even when introducing unrealistic topics, things and environments that companies can spread artificial intelligence technology for marketing, editing movies and social video content on a large scale.

the model The feature is another major addition to the Vidu API platform. It reduces the immediate complexity by providing pre -customable fast -term templates designed specifically for the needs of creating video from various industries, whether for personal marketing campaigns, customer support videos or product offers, supports template function to generate amazing and smooth videos with more diversity in aesthetics. Although every template has already improved for very stable generation results, developers will be flexible to integrate and correct different scenarios even without artistic experience.

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