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Senator Lomes says Biden has sold Bitcoin reserves

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At the summit of digital assets on March 19, Senator Senate Lomes claimed that the previous Biden administration may have sold a large part of the Bitcoin holdings confiscated from the United States. During a discussion episode, Senator Lomes made her concerns, explaining that although the United States government collected a large amount of BTC through the confiscation of assets, some of these funds were liquidated during the Biden era.

Did Biden sold Bitcoin?

“We are trying to know how much Bitcoin currency and whether it has been fully surrendered to the American custody. We believe that this may be the basis for the first year of the strategic bitcoin reserves. He said.

According to Lummis, her office issued official inquiries to the US Marshals service and spoke with the US Prosecutor of the Cabinet in Donald Trump Bam Bondi in an attempt to confirm exactly the number of BTC under federal control. When asked why it was difficult to make sure of the accurate possessions, Lummis was explicit:

“It should be easy to know that. It should be easy to know why the Federal Agency has twice more credit cards than the agency’s employees. I mean, there is a lot of failure in just accountability and commercial practices in the federal government that will shock you. It is an unjust.”

Lummis was an audio supporter to integrate BTC into the American financial structure. Last week, it re -presented Bitcoin’s law at a conference organized by the Bitcoin Policy Institute, with the aim of creating a strategic reserve for the Federal government. Legislation suggests obtaining up to one million BTC over a five -year period, as she placed Bitcoin as a store -like store.

Also at the top of digital assets, a member of Congress Tom Amir (R-Mn) open Many legislation revolves in Congress with similar goals. Emmeer expressed his confidence that these efforts to create a bitcoin strategic budget bill to buy a million BTC will be: “Yes, there is legislation. I think there are different members who have different versions … I think before doing this Congress, and this will be aged.”

Bo Heins, CEO of the US Presidential Council for Advisors for Digital Assets, to talk In a separate interview on the history of the United States with the seized bitcoin. According to Henz, the government once occupied about 400,000 BTC but sold half of approximately $ 370 million – an amount of about $ 17 billion in current reviews.

“If we had adhered to that, it would have deserved 17 billion dollars today. I mean, it explains the importance of this origin and what we can do for the benefit of the American people.”

Heinz also confirmed the ambition of the White House to expand Bitcoin reserves in the United States government on a neutral way in the budget: “We feel that it is in the interests of the Americans to adhere to this original in the long run and accumulate as much as possible. … We talked about building the digital fortress of the United States.”

He stressed that this Bitcoin strategy will be a neutral budget, and avoid any additional taxpayer burden. Heinz believes that the inner work group created through the first executive order of digital assets will produce “tremendous ideas on how to achieve this.”

Two weeks ago, President Donald Trump signed an executive order imposed on the Bitcoin Strategic Reserve. The backup is funded by BTC seized under the procedures for confiscating criminal or civil origins. According to the arrangement, the relevant agencies must submit a comprehensive accounting for digital assets to the Minister of Treasury and the Working Group in the digital asset markets.

At the time of the press, BTC was traded at $ 85,748.

Bitcoin price
BTC price, one -week scheme source: BTCUSDT on

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