Secret Psychology for Charmaceutical Persons – and 15 penetrations to falsify
Being a wonderful conversation requires a mixture of mentality and methods.
Fortunately, though, you can fake it to make it. Here, I will cover how He steals A conversation while appearing, a sweet physical language trick, applying economic concepts to increase the interest that people show you, and my favorite “capture line” to start a conversation.
Start talks with a question
You want to start your conversation with the explosion (the first impressions are important!), So if possible, start with an open -related question and your new friends will share.
Best “Beck App” to start an interesting conversation
line: Sorry. Do you mind if you get your opinion on something …?
Follow this with an attractive question; Here are a few I love …
- Can you recommend any unique cocktails here?
- Do you know this city well? Can you recommend a restaurant/bar, etc.?
- Where did you buy the clothes/supplement/cell phone?
- What do you think of this event?
Check the funny video about How to pick up chicks in the club…
Application of the relationship to the conversation
This is a very important concept to understand it, so please pay attention. Imagine your relationship like the bank: you can perform emotional withdrawals and emotional deposits for this bank. If the balance is very low, the relationship has ended or becomes very unpleasant. This applies to any relationship, whether it is with your mother or the person you just met in the tape. Here are some examples in the context of the conversation …
Emotional deposits |
Emotional clouds |
Emphasizing or agreeing with them |
Do not agree with them |
Positive body language |
Negative body language |
Use their name |
Talk about yourself |
Proved that you are listening and understanding what they say |
Asking a question about an unrelated topic |
Give an answer |
Asking a personal question for them when it is not appropriate for the situation |
Ask a question about them or about what they are discussing |
Compedeing or a deceitful courtesy |
Compliment studied strategy |
Announcing or selling them |
Request their opinion |
He lies |
Say a joke |
Encouraging their ideas |
A completely new conversation begins mainly from zero balance, if you perform a lot of withdrawals you have done!
Arbitration and order arbitration
In continuing to borrow our relationships as a bank, we want to practice a little offer and ask for arbitration to make people more interested in us. Here’s how to do this: do a large emotional deposit. Then withdraw, if you can use humor. What you do is to give them an emotional high that is associated with you and then took it away. With regard to the human form, we want what has been taken away from us more. Here is an example of how to do this.
Jonathan: Chris I really like how you can take something you are excited and earn a living to help people. What inspired you first to try this?
Chris: Thank you, Jonathan! What inspired me was …
Jonathan: You are going in your marketing every mistake. You will not achieve your goals if you continue to do things in this way. I have a marketing company and I have really produced some amazing results for customers in your companies similar to you. I think I have some ideas that can help.
Don’t go out with this method, though! Many emotional rotation will not make good relationships.
Reverse body language
This is the practice of copying gestures and the position of the person you are talking to. Are their legs crossed? Cross you. Are their hands on the table? Put your hands on the table. Somewhat simple. The timing is the key to increasing the effectiveness of this technology. Wait to mention …
- Something you find interesting
- Something you think you will find interesting
- Something they are proud of
Then, the opposite. This continues unconsciously that you are sympathetic to the way they feel about any topic. Shortly after breaking the identical copies, at the subconscious level, they will wonder if they say something wrong and will increase their level of interest. Then, pass them again at a high point in the conversation.
How to talk about yourself and not be boring
You may be a very cool person, but most people do not want to hear you talk about yourself. You can also imagine, as a continuation of the borrowing of the economy, if you deposit a large emotional deposit first, they will pay more attention and be more interested in what you should say about yourself. The alternative between making emotional deposits, but keep talking about how much your interest is raised and what you do.
Training the depth of the topic
It has been well said that small minds talk about people, moderate minds talk about events, and great minds talk about ideas. You can rarely start a conversation by diving in a deep conceptual area. So, you want to start with a small hadith and a humorous joke, then ask people’s opinions about an event recently, then move to talking about the ideas surrounding the event. example:
Introduction to conversation: Hello, how was your day?
Event: Are you and Treissy doing anything special for Valentine’s Day?
Idea: I saw This blog on the Internet Recently, about how the concept of modern modern love is completely deviated from the traditional definition of love, which is the concept of continuous actions to sacrifice something great from itself.
If you want to do the idea of a controversial problem, you can always ask “How do you respond to the people who say …?” In this way, you did not challenge someone directly, but you presented another component of the conversation.
Ask them to be enjoyable
Everyone is very interesting in their own way, They may not share it as much as they want. So give them the opportunity, and they will think that your world. This is the simple line that I like to use:
So tell me something interesting about yourself, Chris?
This is a great line that makes you look attractive and allows you to know what they find interesting, which will definitely make a good conversation.
How do you ask people what they are doing
You will encounter more interesting if you ask the question in this way.
How do you spend your time when you do not __________________?
The void should be something related to context, environment or anything you know about. Examples:
How do you spend your time when you do not write great blog posts? How do you spend your time when you are not on Facebook? How do you spend your time when you do not hang out with beautiful women? So how do you spend your time when you are not in the gym?
Show your listening skills
If you are to focus on one thing to make you a better conversation, I would like to say to improve your listening skills. This will be a completely another blog. When they talk about a topic they find interesting, follow this question:
“This is interesting … Say more …”
Also, ask the investigation questions such as:
So what affected you to make this decision?
Speaking pace
In general, fast -line speech is a sign of stress, and slow speech is a sign of confidence. So most of the time I go at a slower pace, but if I am talking to someone who has a remarkable fast pace, I will reflect them and go quickly.
Familiar conversation theft
Maybe this happened to you before; You are discussing something, someone jumps and makes the conversation everything about it. This is called a theft conversation, which is annoying if you do it wrong.
The correct way to do this is to create emotional deposits before theft and then perform emotional deposits at the end of the theft. In this way, you keep your attention high, and it is not like a jerk to steal the conversation.
Chris: So my child is doing a great job in playing football.
I: This is amazing. I definitely know where to get his work ethics! My child got his black belt in karate and travels to Korea for the student exchange program. Since you have traveled abroad widely in Asia, can you give me some suggestions to make it?
As you can see here, I made an emotional deposit first by completing Chris and his child. I stole the conversation, then I linked it directly to it and I made another emotional deposit.
Complete strategy
Compliments are a very powerful tool when used properly. The correct way to do them is to complete people over the things they are proud of. For example:
- If the person is in good condition and it is clear that he spends a lot of time in the gym, jaws on their work ethics and committing to care themselves.
- If someone is particularly successful in his career or work, their jump on their intelligence and creativity and visions to benefit from the opportunity.
- If someone wears special clothes, jaws on his good taste.
What you do not want to do is to complete people on things they were born or they had to work for them. For example: Don’t tell a wonderful little girl that she is beautiful; She knows this really good and may not have done at all.
However, there are cases that people are proud or have a sense of entitlement that you can complete if you want to hit the ego. For example, I have another very special name, when people tell me that they love it, they expanded emotional with me from about $ 100,000!
Fire and exciting word game
Here is a great circumstantial joke game to flirt with a social environment. So you are talking to a group of girls (or men), and you say: Hey, do you want to play an interesting game?
They will say yes. Then you say …
Well, this game. I will say some words. When I say these words, you have to tell me the first thing that comes to your mind during the first two seconds. You cannot tell me what you think I want to hear you. You have to say the truth.
Now, you start to say some phrases …
Money, power, married, American, missionary, job, fearful, hard work, comic, protection, tower
As you can see, the phrases become sexual, so girls must start thinking about sex and start telling you with the exciting things they link to phrases. Now you can get out of the presence of dirty minds. If they do not start with dirty thinking, you can go out around them who need to take more shells to enhance sexual desire. This game is somewhat sexual, so I will only use it if your target group looks like it is receptive.
If you are at a party or social event, there will be multiple groups of people around the chat. Throughout the event, you will migrate between different groups. If you see one of your previous groups close to your current group, invite them to join each other. Make a joke about this if that is appropriate:
I have more friends here to offer you all, can I do so Arranging the integration and acquisition of our groups?
You will be excellent to remember the names because you will check AV Association Technology; You will remember the names of each person in each group and you can present everyone. This makes you look like a real social rock and put you as a dominant leader for both groups. In fact, the ability to withdraw this will increase your social guide by about 10,000 %!