Sean Johnson East on paternity, motherhood, perfection, and determining success
- Sean Johnson East won gold in the 2008 Olympic Games.
- Now she is the mother of three children, with former US Football Association player Andrew East.
- She constantly worries about strengthening the interests of her children without pressuring them.
This translated article depends on a conversation with Sean Johnson EastHe is a co -author of Children’s beam. It was released for length and clarity.
When I was 16 years old, I stood on a golden platform in the Olympics. As a gymnastics player, I was brought up in the belief that this was Summit of success. But when I stood there, I thought: “This is really cool, but is this this is the greatest I feel in my life?”
Now I am 33, and although this moment was amazing, I know that it did not determine my success. Since then I have found a lot of joy in small moments, such as interviewing my husband, and learn how to make fermented dough, skiing for the first time, and Obtaining admission to the college. Then I gave birth to my children, who are now 5, 3 and 1, and witnessed a completely new level of awe.
This is what I want to learn my children about success: this happens in small moments. Success is not an Olympic gold medal, the US Football Association held, or a large salary – it finds what makes you achieve in life.
I feel responsible for helping my children find loyalty
Of course, finding your passion can be easier than doing it. My husband, Andrew East, is the long amazement in the American Football Association, which signed with teams including Washington leaders and Kansas City Chiefs. And I and Andrew were lucky to find our passion for sport, and we know how much it feels.
Now, we are constantly talking about how this Help our children find their passion Without pressing them. This question is chasing me, Andrew and I am talking about it several times every week. None of us care if children follow us in football or gymnastics, but we feel a lot of responsibility to help them find something obsessed with.
A parent, this is hard. It is difficult to know when it is time to teach children with a new activity in exchange for accepting it is not anything. At the same time, their help to discover their emotions is a lot of fun for me. My daughter and my son have already different interests.
It is used to prevent me from trying new things
Andrew me meets open in the most beautiful way. Before meeting him, I The terrible perfection was. I felt very paralyzed to try anything new because I felt if I was not great in that immediately, it wasn’t worth trying.
Andrew, the opposite. He could not care about what the world thinks, and he wanted to try everything. Because of it, I am pushing myself outside my comfort area. I tried the golf game and get a pilot license.
When he was a child, my big dream was not an Olympic gymnast; The bone surgeon was supposed to be. This will never happen – there is no way Go to the medical school – But I am seriously thinking about getting my nursing degree. I love medicine and science behind it.
Dietary supplements are the key in our family
Andrew and I am big in Biohacking. We take nutritional supplements every day. Like many parents, we have children who prefer eating from chicken, so we wanted to be able to take advantage of nutritional supplements as well. We felt frustrated because there was not much quality Children’s complementary options.
We have worked with a friend who owns a complementary company and our pediatricians to develop supplements for our three children. Then we realized that other fathers may want the same thing – so Children’s beam He came to be.
Every night, we have a shower time and then read books before bed. The two older children still love warm milk while we read, but they were happy to switch to “hot cocoa” made with chocolate chocolate. It is sweet, so it is a tolerant feeling with them, but I love to have vegetables, vitamins and probiotics.
Motherhood helps me find loyalty
Given The date of ill -treatment in the United States of America for gymnasticsI think of safety for all my children. There was this beautiful movement in Jelly to pay for openness and communication. We have come from generations in which we did not talk about many things publicly, but now we can name abuse or inappropriate behavior.
It has already begun-an appropriate way for age-to talk about safety. Open communication and education will make a long way to maintain the safety of my children and others.
I was a single child, so living with a five -year -old family was new to me. Seeing brotherhood relationships is great. For me, motherhood was another way to find success and fulfill every day and get out of my comfort zone.