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Satoshi’s top candidate interacts with Al Salvador rotation

Peter Todd, Canadian Bitcoin developer, who gained major prominence last year after it was It was identified As Satoshi Nakamoto in a controversial documentary, he saw that Bitcoin “did not win” in El Salvador after the country’s main rotation.

“We like it or not, Bitcoin did not win this.

Earlier today, Bloomberg I mentioned El Salvador has amended its bitcoin laws in order to secure a deal with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

From now on, companies in the country are no longer required to accept the leading cryptocurrency.



Last month, El Salvador agreed to gradually decline the Chivo Bitcoin wallet.

Moreover, the Central American country will also stop accepting taxes in Bitcoin.

El Salvador restored history in 2021 by becoming the first nation to adopt the original cryptocurrency as a legal tendency.

A large scale was widely celebrated within the encrypted currency community, but the Salvadorians were very droning To adopt bitcoin.


Bitcoin regains $ 105,000 despite federal falcons

Although the knee is bent to the International Monetary Fund, El Salvador will continue to purchase the largest encrypted currency. However, Bitcoiners admits that this will not have any effect on Salvadorians.

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