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RTO means that I should see my ex -husband in the office

  • I met my ex -office in the office for more than 20 years.
  • In 2018, I returned to that company, but I was working from home.
  • Now that the company released RTO’s authorization, I must see my ex -husband in the office.

Like many people, I recently started watching the “Sevency” TV program. In this, workers in a mysterious company are voluntarily undergoing surgery to divide their work and their personal memories into two separate identities.

I enjoyed the show. After that, my companies issued a mandatory direction to return to the office for at least two days a week.

I now hope that we have the scientific ability to perform “Severance” so that I do not have to return to a joint office with my ex -husband and his new wife.

Since more companies make RTO delegations, they hope that the “workplace culture” will be the key to success. But for me, this workplace culture is a great reminder of one of my greatest failures – my marriage.

I met my ex -husband in this company

Of course, relationships in the workplace are risky. There were any number of ways that I could explode in my face. But I have never expected the repercussions of this choice to be detected slowly over the course of more than a decade.

But this is what happened. I met my ex -husband in this office about 20 years ago. Things went well for a period of time, and we decided to marry in 2005. While we were married, I left my job to try free work remotely.

After 13 years together, our marriage ended amicably, and we were separated.

In 2018, I suddenly needed health insurance due to divorce. My old company-which is still my ex-husband for which he was working-brought me full time, while allowing me to work away.

Since then, things have been going well. I was doing my job calmly and effectively at home. I have incredibly responded to work in communications and registration of access to managers regularly. I would like to think I am doing a good job for my department and proud of my work.

I still have to work in the office

Five years after the entire company, they were working remotely, they issued the mandate.

I initially thought that my arrangement would be honored because he preceded the epidemic. I was wrong.

I explained to HR inconvenience about returning to the office, even with highlighting the fact that I will see my ex -husband there. If this is not embarrassing enough, his vision will also be a continuous reminder of his new wife, who also met in the office and that was also called under RTO’s mandate.

It looked like an uncomfortable and inclined situation for all of us. However, I was told that there will be no exceptions except for the disease. They were ready to reconsider my request if I got a doctor’s memo to anxiety.

I need to face a past every time I am in the office

I barely remember what is like working in a office environment anymore. I became a brutal creature wearing pajamas. But now I must go to the office two days a week and look somewhat progressively.

I am not the only person in my company unwilling about RTO’s authorization – out of that. But I think I am one of the few who are forced to face the dramatic past of my personal life and I am trying to do my career.

When I see my ex -husband in the hall, I know that I will feel sad about the mistakes I made and the time we lost. When we decided to divorce, we were able at least to take over our lives and reshape it to something better for each of us. After all these years, our independence appears to have been raised because we are now forced to see everything else.

I try to keep a positive look and adaptation. It may be out of the house, wear real clothes, and talk to someone alongside two positive cats.

But if you hear about any good surgeons to divide the memory, please tell us that.

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