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Rodney McMolin, CEO of Kruger, resigns after personal behavior concerns

  • The grocery chain said on Monday that Kruger suddenly replaced its CEO with a temporary leader.
  • Rodney McMulin resigned, and Ronald Sargent took his role.
  • The series said it learned about the behavior “do not agree with Krager’s policy on work ethics.”

On Monday, the Kroger grocery chain has long replaced the CEO after investigating his personal behavior.

Kruger He said I learned about the behavior of Rodney McMolin, who was “inconsistent with Kruger’s policy on work ethics.”

Kruger said: “On February 21, the Board of Directors was briefed on a specific personal behavior by Mr. McMulin and immediately kept outside an independent advisor to conduct an investigation, supervised by a special board of directors.”

Kruger said that no colleagues in Kroger have participated in McMullen’s behavior. He added that the behavior was not linked to the company’s financial performance.

Kreuger said that Makmalin resigned from the role of the CEO. He was appointed Kroger leader in 2014 and became Chairman of the company’s Board of Directors the following year.

The company appointed Ronald Sargent, a member of its board of directors, the former CEO of Staples, as a temporary executive and chairman while searching for a permanent alternative. Mark Soton will take over as the independent director of the company.

Kroger is the largest supermarket in the United States through sales. The company runs groceries under multiple names, including Harris Teeter and Fry’s.

The company is expected to report the fourth quarter profits on Thursday. She expected the corresponding sales for the entire year with the exception of fuel at the end of its directive and linking the modified arrow’s profit “slightly higher” at the end of the direction.

McMullen started his first function in Kroger in 1978, when he worked part -time as a storage writer at a store in Lexington, Kentucky, According to Krager.

He obtained accounting certificates at Kentucky University in Lexington, where he was honored as a Distinguished graduates. He was the first in his family to go to the college, according to Cookie 2014 By Enquirer.

He built his career in Krogger and contract Several different roles In groceries, including financial manager from 1995 to 2000.

“He was a major player in every major decision after 1987 when he was just a child,” said Bill Sinkula, the former financial manager of Kroger, for the Enquirer newspaper in the 2014 profile.

As CEO, Kroger’s growing work over the Internet, delivery and rename Kroger in 2019.

McMullen was also CEO when nearly $ 25 billion from Kroger and Albertsons collapsed two years after attempts to win the approval of the organizers.

on Reddit page For Kroger employees, many publications expressed their surprise at the sudden departure of McMullen and the curiosity about what exactly led to his resignation.

“We need to know,” wrote one of the posters.

A couple from the participants referred to Kruger’s decision not to grant complementary 2024 bonus or grant him any non -invested royal rights on his way out. Kruger confirmed those decisions in file Monday with the Supreme Education Council.

One commentator wrote: “Whatever the case, it is certain that he is angry at the painting.”

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