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Robinhood CEO expects to predict the future of trading

Robinhood CEO Vlad Tinif She recently expressed the company’s commitment to prediction markets, saying it is preparing to form the future of trading and information.

What happened: TENEV, through an episode of “Hard FORK”, a Podcast In the New York Times, he participated in his belief in the capabilities of the prediction markets. TENEV, whose clear value is more than $ 3 billion, explained the distinction between prediction markets, sports betting, and traditional news models.

“Prediction markets are a future not only trading, but also information,” TENEV edited. He also made it clear that the prediction markets, which involve betting on the results of future events, can provide news faster than traditional models.

He added: “I have been a great believer with the power of the forecast market for a long time – a kind of student from them – and I think the prediction markets should live in everything.”

He also suggested that the economic value of the prediction markets can go beyond that news after the event.

Also read: Robinhood scales in Jan

Robinhood has already seen a success in the 2024 presidential election market. The platform also presented the Super Bowl event earlier this month, but it was forced to stop the operation after a request from the American commodity futures trading committee.

In a recent profit call, TENEV emphasized the capabilities of the Robinhood business, saying: “We had more than half a billion contracts that were circulated in about a week before the elections … What you should expect from us is a comprehensive events platform that will allow this access to the prediction markets A wide range of contracts later this year.

Why do it matterCommitment to predictive markets by Robinhood indicates a shift in the commercial scene.

As TENEV, these markets can provide faster and economically valuable information than traditional news models.

With the success of the former Robinhood in the 2024 presidential election market and plans for a comprehensive events platform, the company seems to define itself at the forefront of this emerging trend in trading.

Read after that

RobinHood Frenzy Market options: What you need to know

This content was partially produced with the help of artificial intelligence tools and was reviewed and published by Beenzinga editors.

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